Menstrual cycle and its great spiritual power

One subject that is no longer taboo is the menstrual cycle. At other times in human life, such talk was considered unnecessary conversation. It's a fact that machismo has always had a foot in it, but finding the power of female empowerment, women decided to come out of their caves.

Starting around the age of 9, menstruation has great spiritual significance, after all, it is the time when girls become women and are ready to generate lives. But that's not all that this moment brings to the girls. Once they menstruate, access to femininity is open.

That is, the beginning of femininity is associated with the menstrual cycles that a woman will have in her life. With each new cycle there is a new opportunity to find the feminine power that exists in each one of them. That's why it's very important to guide you and the newbies, teaching them how sacred the menstrual cycle is.

What is the menstrual cycle?

Menstrual cycle and its great spiritual power

The menstrual cycle lasts for one month, and it is at the end of it that women will have their period. During this period, they go through various changes in their bodies, even if they are not aware of it.

During the cycle of every month, the body is prepared to receive a baby. When this doesn't happen, menstrual blood arises. It may seem simple, but if you stop to think about it, you'll see that it's a process full of feminine magic.

Just think of it this way, which we believe is the most correct way: your body was fully prepared to have a child and, realizing that it wouldn't, it began to renew itself to have one in the next month.

This explains very well all the hormonal changes that happen during the menstrual cycle, especially in the fertile period. This moment is ideal for the egg to be fertilized and, with that, many sensations and changes in emotions can be witnessed.

How to calculate menstrual cycle

Since a woman's life is a constant and sacred transformation, the ideal is to set up a menstrual cycle chart if you want to have a good control of your menstruation. It is very useful for women as it helps to know the exact dates of your period, fertile period and ovulation.

There are cases where menstruation is not regular, but this does not prevent the creation of the table or calendar, as it is also known. To calculate the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to be aware of the date on which menstruation begins, in addition to recording the number of days in which it lasts and how many days the cycle lasts.

To help you even more, there is a considerable amount of menstrual cycle apps. With their help, you can easily predict your upcoming periods, fertile periods and ovulations.

Irregular menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle and its great spiritual power

The normal cycle is 28 days, but you have to be aware that it varies from woman to woman. If your cycle lasts less than 25 days and more than 35 days, it is ideal to pay a visit to the gynecologist.

This is a protective measure against illness or major problems. A typical menstrual period lasts from 25 to 35 days. Therefore, when you witness cycles that do not reach 25 days or exceed 35 days, you may be facing a great indication of an irregular menstrual cycle.

It is important to be aware of these deadlines. In this way, it will be easier to carry out the ideal treatments to solve the possible existing problems.

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Menstruation is much more than you might think…

Menstrual cycle and its great spiritual power

The great truth of menstruation is that it does not exist only as a preparation for conceiving a child. Cycles serve to clear stored feelings, which is why we have the well-known and dreaded PMS.

Looking through the sacred vision, TPM is responsible for showing us the shadows we are carrying within us. This experience asks women to let go of all the bad that they are holding and harboring.

This moment of the menstrual cycle is when the greatest divine power of the feminine is found! Intuitive and healing powers become even more potentiated. Knowing how to enjoy it well, great spiritual transformations can occur.

Also, there are many rituals that are performed by women in their menstrual cycles. Very related to the phases of the Moon, they take the moment to connect with the power that each lunar phase and its respective goddess bring to Earth. All of this, of course, has a strong connection with the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle, known as: pre-ovulatory, ovulatory, pre-menstrual and menstrual.

Know the power of each goddess in these periods:

Crescent Moon/Pre-Ovulatory Phase: Maiden Goddess

The external energy that the maiden reveals to us is one of hope and great inspirations. As the goddess most closely related to spring, she is able to keep us open and energetic. In the pre-ovulatory moment, you become even more capable of setting plans and goals in the right way. Artemis, Ewá and Athena are the goddesses best known as maidens.

Full Moon/Ovulatory Phase: Mother Goddess

This is the period when we are most sensitive. In addition, we remain more affectionate, confident, attractive and open to personal relationships. Associated with summer, the energy that flows outside is expansive! So it's the moment when we can show ourselves as we are, without fear. The best known mother goddesses are: Isis, Iemanjá and Aphrodite.

Waning Moon/Premenstrual Phase: Witch Goddess

In this phase, which is linked to autumn, the energy starts to turn inwards, so we are quieter! The sorceress goddess allows us intense analysis, creativity and intuitive power. Knowing this, eliminate the belief that you are freaking out, as you are actually just more aware of your thoughts.

Therefore, the ideal is to analyze them and seek to act in the way that suits you best. At this stage of the menstrual cycle, you have the power to transform everything that causes you discomfort. It is indeed a great learning provided by the sorceress goddess! Among the most known goddesses are: Morgana, Obá and Yansã.

New Moon/Menstrual Phase: The Witch Goddess

At this moment we can reach our inner self, all because of the energy that remains internalized. Therefore, we associate the witch goddess with winter. She asks us for moments of greater interiorization, so practicing meditation, yoga and manual work are highly recommended.

The “Moon” period, as it is called, allows us to do a great cleaning at home. In this way, we can let go of everything that is not doing us well, that we no longer want, etc. The goddesses best known as witches are: Kali, Hecate and Hestia.

In conclusion, if you want to connect more and more with the goddesses, be sure to do a small ritual to prepare for the phases of your menstrual cycle.

Rituals of Connection with the Goddesses

Menstrual cycle and its great spiritual power

Meditation is one of the simplest rituals of connecting with the goddesses. Although they have specific rituals, any form of connection is welcome, as long as you arrive with a kind heart. You can, for example, assemble a simple altar with objects characteristic of each goddess.

Candles, incense, good feelings and thoughts! This is what the goddesses need to hear their call, so lovingly prepare a private moment with each of them.

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