Meet Komborgânica: a van that takes organic products to commercial points

    Two couples of friends decided to create Komborgânica, a kind of mobile fair that is taken to registered points. This Kombi sells organic food. The business, which started in October 2015, has been going very well and we talked to one of the partners, Joana Ricci, to find out how this work works. Check out the interview:

    Eu sem Fronteiras: How did the idea of ​​creating Komborgânica come about?

    Meet Komborgânica: a van that takes organic products to commercial pointsJoana Ricci: Komborgânica came about because I've been a consumer of organic products for some time and I always wondered if they needed to be so expensive or so hard to find. We realized that there was an opportunity there: to make organic products more accessible and take them to people at an itinerant fair, in order to reach those who are not yet in the habit of consuming these products. It was then that my husband and I teamed up with a couple of friends to make this dream possible. We put our expertise together, and we imagined that the fact that each one came from a different area of ​​activity could enrich Komborgânica's planning.

    ESF: When did the project start?

    Joana Ricci: We started shooting at the end of October 2015. It's a very recent project. The idea took a few months to come up with, but by October we were rolling and taking organics around town.

    ESF: You work in São Paulo, do you think about the idea of ​​expanding the business?

    Joana Ricci: As soon as we started working, a lot of people came to us asking about franchising and expansion to other places. We do want to expand the business and going forward we should have something more concrete in this regard. For now, we are strengthening and learning from the day to day work, but very happy to know that our idea has been well accepted by people. 

    ESF: And why did you choose organic food?

    Meet Komborgânica: a van that takes organic products to commercial pointsJoana Ricci: We opted for organic because we believe in this form of food and way of life. We have reached a point where we need to rethink our habits and customs. Food is just one of the points where we can improve and choose healthier and more sincere choices. We know that, with our work, we have strengthened an entire chain, from small producers to our customers and partners, who end up further promoting the dissemination of organic products. And we are very happy to hear that many people are making this choice. 

    ESF: How are people interested?

    Joana Ricci: It's bigger than we expected. We thought we were going to have some resistance from people not being used to organic products, but we were pleasantly surprised. Today people are open to experimenting and there is a boom in organic consumption. Many people come to us because they were looking for an alternative to eating organic.

    ESF: Do you believe that people are more concerned and aware about food?

    Joana Ricci: Certainly! Today people have access to more information and with that they end up realizing what can help their health and also what can be harmful. As a result, they end up making more sustainable choices.  

    ESF: Working in this way, is it also possible to meet people who inspire?

    Joana Ricci: Always! 

    ESF: Where do you plant the products? Or do you buy directly from the producers?

    Joana Ricci: We buy directly from the producers. And we set up a network of certified producers that guarantee the origin of their products.

    ESF: What's the coolest thing about your work?

    Joana Ricci: It is very gratifying to be able to provide health and well-being to people. But it is even more fulfilling to work with something that we believe in and that we know is helping to build a new way of thinking, eating and consuming. 

    ESF: Feel free to leave a message for readers

    Joana Ricci: Our purpose with Komborgânica is to bring organic products to people at a fair price and make access to this type of product easier. We are very happy that we already have a large number of people who accompany us and are always with us at the points where we park.

    Interview conducted by Angelica Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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