Meditation on the streets of SP

    Meditation by its definition is the “act of intense concentration of the mind”. It is basically used for self-knowledge or to find answers to concerns and stimuli that we cannot obtain if we are alert. That said, it is natural that we seek to meditate in quiet places, away from noise and without big happenings around; after all, anything can make us divert our attention from what we are looking for and break the connection with our mind.

    Meditation on the streets of SP

    However, in the city of São Paulo, a group practices meditation in environments exactly opposite to what we consider ideal: the middle of the street. Anyone who knows or knows a little bit about São Paulo knows that the rush and chaos are two strong characteristics that are always present in the daily life of the city. It is difficult to find a refuge no matter how small. And that's exactly why the group “Indo nas Ruas” promotes group meditations in the middle of this urban jungle.

    Since we need to face exactly this excess of stimuli and information, the best way is to train our mind so that it can enter a state of intense concentration even with all these stimuli and constant interruptions.

    Meditation on the streets of SPAlso using meditation as a form of occupation, the group seeks to show people that a less hurried way of life is also possible in the largest metropolis in the country. With the schedule always publicized through its facebook page, Indo nas Ruas increasingly stimulates people's curiosity.

    Whether at the exit of a subway at peak times, at the Avenida Paulista construction site or, in some cases, in more secluded and more traditional areas, such as parks and squares, the group always attracts the presence of passers-by who are intimidated by those people sitting in a circle, eyes closed and totally oblivious to the happenings around them.

    In addition to the benefits of meditation, the group seeks to occupy the city in a different way, showing that it is possible to interact with the environment and be part of it without being afraid of what might happen.

    The meetings usually take place on Fridays (in the midst of urban chaos) and occasionally on Sundays (in parks and squares previously chosen and publicized). Visit the page and schedule!

    If, in addition to Going on the Streets, you are looking for places where you can do daily meditations or in a more traditional way, check out the list of some places in SĂŁo Paulo that also offer the practice:

    • Kadampa Mahabodhi Meditation Center

    Still in the urban meditation proposal, the Kadampa Mahabodhi center offers guided meditations and courses on the subject. It has several branches in the Anália Franco, Santana, São Bento neighborhoods and in the neighboring cities of Santo André and Alphaville.

    Address: R. Artur de Azevedo, 1360 – Pinheiros

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    • Meditation on the streets of SPTemplo Fo GuangShan

    Close to the Liberdade district and the SĂŁo Joaquim subway station, this temple promotes meditation meetings open to the public, in addition to giving periodic courses.

    Address: R. SĂŁo Joaquim, 460, SĂŁo Paulo

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    • ZuLai Buddhist Temple

    Better known and withdrawn, the ZuLai temple is located in Cotia and offers a climate of total harmony and peace. Open from Tuesday to Sunday, it promotes guided tours for groups of over 15 people, themed parties and short courses on meditation and Buddhism.

    Address: Estrada Fernando Nobre, 1461 (Access via Km 28,5 of the Raposo Tavares Highway)

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    • Templo Busshinji

    Also in Liberdade, the temple is the headquarters of the Sotozen School in South America. Indicated to know the tradition of Zen Buddhism, it promotes guided meditation classes and meditations.

    Address: Rua São Joaquim, 285 – Liberdade

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    • Center for Buddhist Studies Bodhisattva SĂŁo Paulo

    Located very close to the typical hustle and bustle of Avenida Paulista, the center has a varied program, as well as meditation techniques. In June, he teaches a course on how to get started in meditation. schedule yourself.

    Address: R. Maestro Cardim, 1024 - Bela Vista

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    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

    Images: Playback/Facebook

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