Meaning of Singles Day and the importance of enjoying solitude

Singles Day is perfect for those who are tired of celebrating love, or have decided that they prefer a life of freedom, high adventures and based on building new relationships frequently.

After all, being single isn't as bad as some make it out to be. It is an opportunity to reconnect with yourself, to live your life independently and to enjoy different experiences. So, learn more about this amazing date, below!

Singles Day

Singles Day is celebrated on two different dates. In España, the celebration takes place on August 15th. There is no specific explanation for choosing that day. However, the event is a way to show that single people also deserve a special time of the year, just like whoever they're dating.

On the other hand, in the rest of the world, Singles Day takes place on November 11th. It all started in China in 1993 when some students created an event in opposition to Valentine's Day on November 11 for singles to go out together.

Meaning of Singles Day and the importance of enjoying solitude
jmartinstock / Canva

The choice of date for the commemoration has a simple explanation. The day 11/11, which is known as double eleven, refers to four single people standing next to each other, represented by the number 1.

Over time, the event became a very important commercial date, functioning as a Black Friday for China. So, during this period of the year, countless products go on sale, so that people can present themselves in an act of self love.

So Singles Day can be a time for people to party alone, to take the day off for themselves, or to do a lot of shopping. So it looks like not being in a relationship isn't that bad, is it? Continue reflecting on this in the next topic.

Better alone than badly accompanied

It is undeniable that living a healthy love relationship is the desire of many people. There are those who want to build a family and share each experience with someone else. However, this is not the only way to have a happy, light, fun and love-filled life.

A singleness is not synonymous with loneliness, lack of affection or sadness. It is synonymous with self-knowledge, freedom, adventure and lightness. That's because people who aren't in a relationship can do everything they would if they were dating — and even more, without the commitments and rules of dating or marriage.

Meaning of Singles Day and the importance of enjoying solitude
fizkes / shutterstock

In addition, it is essential to keep in mind that a loving relationship is not synonymous with happiness. We need to remember that there are relationships that become abusive, or that start badly, that limit an individual's joy and self-esteem. In these cases, single life is always a much better option. and more pleasurable.

So if you're in a relationship that's not going very well, don't be afraid to end it. It can be scary at first, but over time, you'll find that it is possible to be happy with just your own company.

At the same time, if you're already at peace and totally content with the single life you're leading, all that's left is to enjoy Singles Day in the way that suits you best. Check out some possibilities for this date of great joy, in the next paragraphs.

Singles Day around the world

The celebration of Singles Day does not accumulate so many traditions around the world. Despite this, we can highlight how the date is celebrated in China and Spain, where this day receives more attention in the calendar.

In China, the main way to celebrate Singles Day is by taking advantage of promotions that mark the date. People often save for this occasion, when they can buy new clothes, different accessories, household items, and whatever else their imaginations allow.

Even though it's a very capitalist view of life, everyone knows that a little shopping, from time to time, always helps with self-esteem. And what better way to enjoy Singles Day than gifting yourself with items that bring joy, pleasure and even new air to the heart and home?

Meaning of Singles Day and the importance of enjoying solitude
AnnaStills de Getty Images / Canva

In España, there are many different ways to enjoy Singles Day. Even if the stores do not take advantage of the season to offer promotions, it is possible to arrange a meeting between singles in restaurants, bars or clubs, depending on the animation of the staff.

If you're not a very outgoing person, you can take Singles Day out to connect with yourself. And this is possible through meditation, a photo shoot, writing in a journal, exercising, performing pleasurable activities and much more. The day is yours, do what you want!

Is being single bad?

Based on the content presented so far, you already have enough reason to believe that being single is very good. You may even miss a cuddle at times, but all the freedom that you have daily, to make your choices and to be the main priority in your life, it's better than anything.

It is also essential that you remember that a love relationship that doesn't do you so well is never better than being alone. Recognize that you are your best companion through solitude, and that singleness is what can help you appreciate the amazing person you are.

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And then? Are you already deciding how you're going to celebrate Singles Day? Talk about it with people you know who are living single too, so everyone can enjoy this period with pleasure!

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