Meaning of number 4 in numerology

The presence of numbers in our life spreads to all places and times. During social life, numbers guide important decisions that we often don't even notice. We can safely say that they are, in a certain way and given the due differences, a universal language. The laws that govern Mathematics and Physics are the same in all known places, even off the planet; money is the main fuel for mediation between social relations; the dignified value of work and the measurement of time are central to everyone's life, whatever their age, region or social status. For know that numbers have strong spiritual power, and their meanings are also read with the help of esotericism and ancient and popular pseudosciences, such as Astrology and Numerology. And have you ever stopped to think what the number 4 means in Numerology?

Numerology teaches us that graphic signs can mean our mediation with the greater forces of nature and other planes. Because we live surrounded by numbers, the messages hidden in them often go unnoticed. If you are interested in contacts with spiritual beings, pay attention to everything the numbers say. Learn about their energies and meanings.

What do you think of number four? What does he represent to you? Is it really that difficult to look for complex meanings in a simple number? In Japan, the number four is considered a symbol of bad luck. This is because the pronunciation of four is similar to that of the word death. Many inhabitants of eastern countries suffer from what is called tetraphobia, a kind of fear of numbers. However, this varies across cultures. In Tarot, the number is immobility, constancy and stability. Learn more about what the number four hides for Numerology.

Meaning of Number 4 in Numerology

Numerology corresponds to a series of studies that seek to understand the energetic and spiritual vibration of numbers and, with that, define archetypes and personalities that define us through the numbers that govern us.

According to Numerology, the number four means organization by the strong constant presence of an attitude full of discipline. It refers to steady and responsible work, action, stability in life and relationships. Therefore, they refer to the number as the image of the base of a pyramid, the figure of a leader (such as a family provider, a king, a political leadership that is interested in the constant advancement of its base). With a more conservative view (in the sense of resisting the changes that may arise, being, in a way, a more stubborn figure), he is linked to the structure.

The power that comes from the number four is one you can trust, it's what security forces need for example. Channeling the energies of number four is essential if you are taking on leadership roles or want to build family bonds. Trust is perhaps the perfect word to define the number four spiritually. Remember the hardness and solidity of a square – when it comes to numbers, it is always important to refer them to geometric shapes, the shape always carries unique meanings and, curiously, in plain sight.

Meaning of number 4 in numerology
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for spirituality

We can say that spirituality is one of the interpretive engines of Numerology. Just as it is present in various religions and beliefs, even though they are distinct from each other, spirituality is present as a defining force of elements that govern the laws of Numerology.

For Numerology, the number four represents very well the rationality necessary for the maintenance of order and the construction of an organization that aims to elevate a collective. Four is all that is concrete. The natives of the four, by always aiming for stability, are reliable people.

It is a number that represents the achievement of goals in a perfect way, as well as encouraging the use of willpower, self-confidence and discipline. It suits very well for people in school period (whatever the stage of teaching). Like any number, it has both positive and negative characteristics, which, if poorly balanced, can destabilize your life. follow up.

positive features

The natives of the number four carry enormous willpower, towards solid goals in life. They are people, as stated above, 100% reliable and who always care about keeping their word. When a number four person promises something, he will do everything to fulfill it, as failing in this goal is something that hurts him a lot. It is very important that what has been said aloud is materialized, as he is someone who values ​​and cares a lot about the power of words, especially when said aloud and to other people. Testimony is something essential and remarkable for these people as it goes very well with the serious energy of the number four. Number four people quickly get used to the jobs and don't feel sorry for the heavy lifting. When the goal is to achieve the goals, the natives of the four never give up.

Meaning of number 4 in numerology
lzf / Shutterstock

negative characteristics

Despite the trust in the natives of this number, a characteristic problem is the immobility itself: often, the desire for permanence can be an obstacle in the relationship of the natives of the number four with other people in their circle of friendship and coexistence, whether personal or at work. . The conservatism of the four's solid energy can also get in the way if it's overdone. They have some difficulty in expressing feelings, due to this characteristic harshness of the number.

Number 4 not Universe

Despite so much diversity, we also see a lot of rigidity in the Universe. The harshness of the Sun's heat, the arrangement of mountains and rocks, the inevitability of death, are many rules and elements that prove to us that many things in the Universe are unquestionable. This characteristic also marks the presence of the number 4 in the vibrations of the Universe.

For the Universe, the number four is very essential as it symbolizes everything that is solid, all material existence and the permanence of states of nature. Many states of nature and our historical daily life are governed by this number. There are four seasons, luck is represented by the four-leaf clover, the square is one of the most rigid and perfect shapes in geometry. In Christianity, four are the letters of God's name, as well as four are his archangels (Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel), warrior angels and protectors of God and us human beings. Thinking about the Universe, we can still remember that there are four divisions of life known until then: animal, vegetable, stone and metallic.

Meaning of seeing number 4 repeatedly

The presence of the number 4 and its rigidity in our lives can be a constant. If you pay attention to the rhymes that happen in your life on a daily basis, you may notice that the numbers repeat themselves quickly.

The fact that you see the number 4 constantly can be an important warning. It could mean that there is an imbalance in your routine. The 4's serious and rigid energy can indicate that the division of your time is focused more on concrete things and that the lighter and emotional moments are being put to the side, which is not beneficial for a healthy life.

Number 4 on the clock

One of the most common ways repeated numbers appear is when checking the time. One of the most normal and automatic activities of everyday life, a habit, a reflex. It is always good to remember that seeing the same time is proven to be a message from spiritual beings from other planes, such as God himself and his guardian angels. So always stop and see if this occurs often in your everyday life.

The repetition of the number four on the clock symbolizes that you must redouble your dedication to the goals that are underway. Reflect if there are any traces of laziness during your walk and reinforce your step, paying attention to the spiritual balance in your life. When you come across the same hours involving this number (04:04 and 04:40) reflect on the latest central events of your days and do a meditation. Think hard before making decisions that could change the structures of recent events. Don't be afraid to change too much, but stick to your higher purposes. Don't be afraid to think out loud.

Meaning of number 4 in numerology
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angel number 4

Just like us, angels can also be defined and influenced by the energetic presence of numbers. Know that your guardian angel also carries a defining number, just like your name.

Angel Number 4 sends a message indicating that your guides offer you trust, love, respect and lift you up so that you continue with the most solid plans for the bright future that awaits you. By choosing attitudes and paths that reiterate solidity, the Universe and superior beings will place the desired future on your path, in the necessary time. Therefore, listen to the advice of angel number four, be aware of the recurrence of the number in your daily life and continue on the path of success.

Number 4 not Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an esoteric branch from Ancient China that studies the search for energy balance through the study of the vibration of energies in the organization of our homes. Numbers are also a fundamental part of the Feng Shui reality.

In Feng Shui, the number four represents the stability of a secure body and an idea that is being built on its foundation. The vibration of the number ensures this stability through the four pillars of a house. It is linked to the representation of foundations, a word that sums up its meaning well. It is a house linked to nature, with four elements: Water, Air, Fire and Earth.

What can we learn from the number 4?

Number 4 carries several important teachings for each of us. Now that you know a little more about his characteristics, have you thought about applying them in your daily life or being more attentive when he appears?

With the number four, we can learn about the importance of stability and solidity. To build a future, its base needs to be endowed with a good theoretical framework, a series of knowledge acquired through many activities, such as research, curiosity about spirituality and even, over time, with a lot of experience. Well, don't forget that time itself is already a very safe pillar.

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Be a firm person, as the energy of the number 4 teaches us, use solidity as a strength. This is perhaps the main lesson of this very important and character-building number.

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