12:12 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?

Are you feeling life stagnant? Do you have that bad feeling of heaviness in your back? Do you feel like you are going around in circles and stuck in the past?

The time has come to take conscious actions to free yourself from the suffering imposed on yourself. Of course, there are external situations that hinder or paralyze life, such as, for example, natural disasters. But most of the time – and without realizing it – it was you who attracted the situation you find yourself in.

And it's common for you to start getting signals to stop what you're doing and look at things from another angle. Constantly seeing the number 12 or the hours equal to 12:12 can be one of those signs. It is very likely that this is a warning to seek the necessary answers to get out of this situation or to remove the bad energies that prevent the flow of life. Want to know everything about the topic? Follow the article.

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The meaning of number 12

Twelve is the number of realization or enlightenment that unites the manifestation of the spiritual in matter. If God is triune in his manifestation - cause, law, effect; body, soul, spirit; Father, Son and Holy Spirit –, the 12 comes from the multiplication of this triune (or divine creation) in the quaternary material world: 3 x 4 = 12, where we have: 4 kingdoms of nature, 4 solar seasons, 4 elements of nature, 4 phases of the Moon, and so on.

So much so that when we reduce the number 12 to a single digit, we will have the number 3 (1 + 2 = 3). That is, the number 12, for some esoteric philosophies and traditions, brings the power of spiritual enlightenment in us.

No wonder, this number is associated with various knowledge and symbologies of human history, such as, for example: 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 astrological houses, 12 months of the year, 12 apostles of Christ, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 gods of the Greek pantheon, 12 layers of human personalities, and so on.

Now, let us further explore the meanings assigned to twelve.

The numerological meaning of 12

Within the Numerology studies added to the Tarot archetypes, the number 12 is represented by the Arcane The Hanged Man or The Hanged Man, which, for some, represents the incarnation of the spirit in matter in a state of reflection or stagnation, depending on the person's spirit: whether side light or shadow. In most representations, it shows a man hanging upside down, and on his face, there is a peaceful expression, appearing to be in a meditative state.

It represents a stage in life where there is self-punishment, a feeling of no longer having the power to shape your own life or control your burden, waiting for an outside force to release you from it. Would it be the famous β€œvictimism”?

To know, it is necessary to see things from another angle - an angle that only The Hanged Man or the person who is at this stage of life can see - and thus find a new center hitherto hidden within himself.

Everything in life is experience and learning, and the archetype shows us that, in the same way that we had the potential to reach stagnation, we have the power to get out of it (enlightenment).

12:12 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?
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What does it mean to see 12:12

It's the hottest time of day, with the sun at its highest point in the sky. So much so that, for Chinese Medicine, the organ that is most active around this time is the heart, our central β€œSun”, where our Higher Self dwells, and its communication with the cosmos is through intuition.

Therefore, when you see the hour equal to 12:12, it is the communication of your Higher Self or unconscious bringing you answers to help you get out of the suffering condition you are in. If, by chance, life is flowing, understand the message as a divine blessing towards enlightenment itself.

What to do when seeing the time 12:12

Like The Hanged Man, it's time to meditate on everything that has brought you to the condition you are in. For this, it is necessary to accept the reality that was created and think about the solution to it.

So relieve your heart of guilt and allow the divine Sun to come in to assist you in the process. It is worth meditating and praying, in a sincere conversation with your Higher Self or God. Then ask yourself: β€œUniverse, how do I solve this situation?” and see intuitive magic happen for you to the point of expanding horizons not seen before.

If your pain is so great that it prevents you from taking action, the message of the 12:12 hour is: seek help, which can be a doctor, a holistic therapist, a priest to go to confession. It doesn't matter what help, what matters is the search for it to lighten up again and live fully happy.

And finally, give thanks with an open heart, allowing your central Sun to connect with Earth's Sun and the Divine Sun.

Did you see another time like this? discover the meaning

The Angel 1212

Within the studies of Kabbalistic Angels, Angel 1212 is Aniel, Angel who helps to obtain victories and have a worthy life and brings inspiration when meditating.

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