In Pythagorean Numerology the vibration 5 represents movement

For Pythagoras, Greek philosopher ((570 – 497), everything is numbers. The number 5 in numerology is considered the transgressor, also meaning personal evolution.

The number 5 still represents the 5-pointed star, the pentagram and the representation of man before the universe. The pentagram has the meaning of evolution, freedom and the adventurous feeling of humanity.

The number 5 also comes to represent internal and external travel, it is a number that represents movement, agitation, so it manages to end any sign of stability.

In Pythagorean Numerology the vibration 5 represents movement

The number 5 is then in your month, the month of May, for those who like strong emotions, quick, sudden, involuntary changes… The 5 has energy like that, agitation, intensity. New things, cry for freedom, that's what the number 5 vibrates.

We've all heard or said the popular expression "it gave me the five minutes", from which we think "I'm going to change everything now, whether rationally or emotionally, break some situation or behavior and free myself".

In Pythagorean Numerology the vibration 5 represents movement

So this month of May, month 5, promises great events, which is natural for this numerical vibration. Let's live the necessary changes, let go of the bonds and let go of what is possible and accept the new.

The negative of 5 is being exaggerated in everything, whether in food, excessive spending and also not being vigilant when talking. Keeping an eye on all this will be a very inventive month.

The vibration of number 5 is that of Impulsivity, curiosity, restlessness, versatility.

In Pythagorean Numerology the vibration 5 represents movement
Andre Hunter/Unsplash

Number 5 is free, likes open environments. Those who have this number as their date of birth, for example, 5, 14, 23, will be a natural adventurous person, with a spontaneous personality, who loves to spend their energy on daring projects. Very agitated in all fields of life, she is curious and restless, has a fertile imagination and does many things at the same time.

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Knowledge about several subjects at the same time keeps you vibrant and happy.

5 is also the number of sensations and senses, consequently it is linked to everything that is pleasant, pleasant, that tastes like adventure.

It symbolizes human evolution, without which transformation and revolution would not be possible.

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