Meaning of number 7 in numerology

One thing is certain: none of us can live without numbers. They are the main tool that governs the operation of practically every technological device, nobody lives without taking a look at the agenda and calendar, we spend the day looking at the time, diseases are measured through them, mercantile exchanges depend on money and records using numbering.

The truth is that we have depended on numbers for the functioning of society since antiquity. However, have you ever stopped to think about the symbolic force of numbers according to the spiritual energy that emanates from them? Have you also wondered what the number 7 means in numerology?

Numerology can be an important ally in your life trajectory, guiding you in the best way and showing all the possible paths traced by the numbers. In this article, understand the meanings behind the number seven. There are seven deadly sins and virtues, as well as the wonders of the ancient and modern world and the number of classical arts.

In Ancient China, seven was associated, as an odd number, with the masculine side of Yang. The rainbow has seven colors, just like musical notes are seven. Seven are the days of the week. It is a very present number and full of symbols. Learn more about what the repetition of the number seven can indicate in episodes of your daily life and what reading you can make of it in the light of numerology, spirituality and Feng Shui.

Meaning of number 7 in numerology

According to the literature and knowledge of numerology, the number seven represents the perfection and integrity of the world with regard to all its diversity. Seven is a defining number for many metrics and popular wisdom. In addition to its repetition, it symbolizes mystery, occultism and the search for a wisdom that goes beyond the common place and that desires direct contact with extraterrestrial forces.

It has numerous meanings. In each detail a particular meaning is hidden, making seven one of the most attractive and mysterious numbers according to numerology. It is associated with security and cycles, that is, with everything that represents a fully completed path (seven are also the paths of spiritual evolution: humanity, faith, love, knowledge, law, form and life).

for spirituality

Spirituality is one of the main sources that the studies of numerology consist of. In addition, many of us have a strong relationship with spirituality. Whatever the religion, this mediation between the planes takes place through the maintenance and knowledge of spiritual elements. Whether through prayers, offerings or stories, numbers are present in a very strong way within the spiritual reality.

It is remarkable the fact that the number seven represents spirituality as a whole. For all its aura of mystery, of acting in nature and in the spiritual worlds, for the innumerable legends involving its presence, the seven reaches a degree of intermediate between the material and spiritual planes so great that it makes it also a synonym of activity. and search for elevation and sincere and lasting self-knowledge.

People who don't hold much to material values ​​and who live in search of understanding their own essence, even if this leads them to paths that cross barriers of known planes in the universe, so are those ruled by the number seven. They are, of course, people who place a high value on all spiritual matters.

According to the Bible, God finished creating the world on the sixth day and on the seventh he went to rest. This condition of rest and perfection associated with the founding episode, according to the Bible, reinforces the meditative power associated with the number. However, like all balance present in all numbers, seven carries both positive and negative characteristics, so learn more about each of them.

Meaning of number 7 in numerology
maria febrin / Pexels / Canva

positive features

The natives of the number seven are known for tranquility, a strong degree of heightened intuition and a very attentive wisdom and always in search of more knowledge. Among the positive energies of the seven are the search for perfection (associated with the creation of the world and the various laws of nature that culminate in this number), meticulousness and a high development of logic and self-control. Those ruled by the seven always seek to delve deeper into all things, being expert connoisseurs of a series of subjects, not just those linked to spirituality and mystery.

negative characteristics

Due to the XNUMXth house natives' natural thirst for knowledge, they are also known to be more likely to develop an ease of feeling and acting in a melancholy and lonely way. If poorly balanced with other energies provided by this number, the natives of seven can be a little disconnected and distant from the focus of setting goals, so they end up distancing themselves from an idea of ​​meaning in life. Seven exudes a strong critical and self-critical energy, causing people ruled by seven to demand too much of themselves, which can affect relationships with others in love and professional circles.

Number 7 not Universe

The Universe is made up of numbers. Just look at nature and do a reading using them. There is the symmetry between the sea and the sky, between the leaves of a tree, there is the circularity of the world and the turns that the planets make around the Sun. There is no denying the influence and importance of numbers in the functioning of the Universe. Their energy can also teach us a lot about our relationship on the planet and among the universal energy planes.

In studies involving alchemy, the number seven is commonly associated with the idea of ​​perfection, as it was through him that the most powerful magics were performed. In addition to alchemy, the spiritual and scientific laws about the Universe also see the seven as a symbol that can represent the harmony between dissonant forces (the seven musical notes are there to show us that the encounter between totally different situations and states form very cohesive pairs ), the balance between these parts and the totality of any creative process.

Meaning of seeing number 7 repeatedly

One of the most common ways of perceiving the more marked presence of numbers in the Universe is to see if they are repeating themselves. Precisely because of their strong presence in every moment of our lives, it is normal to come across a change that is always repeated or the same time on the clock. However, as numbers have strong meanings and emanate a lot of energies, this repetition can mean important things.

The repetition of the number 7 can indicate that your own needs fall short of the needs you dedicate to other people. Whether in love, work or family relationships, there can be a strong imbalance. Beware of these misplaced energies and rethink your strategies.

Number 7 on the clock

Seeing equal hours is certainly a message from divine beings such as God himself and the guardian angels, guardians of us all, so always stop and notice if this occurs frequently in your life. The repetition of the number seven on the clock symbolizes the need to think about whether you are sufficiently reflecting, exercising and studying spiritual issues.

Stop and ask yourself about the paths you have been following from your encounter with esoterism, numerology, astrology or any other path to your spiritual elevation. When you see the hours equal 07:07, thank your protective angels for not only taking care of your physical and mental health, but also your spirituality. It is a sign that you may be on the right path in your progress towards self-knowledge.

angel number 7

The messages sent by the angels through the repeated numbers carry the strong symbolic energy of each of these numbers. Did you also know that angels are influenced by these energies? There are archetypes of these protective beings that are defined and studied through numbers. In this way, it is possible to know what your protective angel is like, if you know which number it corresponds to.

The angel symbolized by the number seven is commonly known to be responsible for referring to the arrival of a beneficial time, with obstacles being overcome and successes coming your way. Your protective angel number seven is pleased with your path through the pursuit of knowledge and signals that you are on the right path. Always keep looking for more material on spirituality and reinforce moments of meditation and rest so that your mind is always prepared to receive more and more information from this and other planes.

Meaning of number 7 in numerology
Miguel A. Godfather / Pexels

Number 7 not Feng Shui

Another ancient culture that studies the energy of numbers is Feng Shui. Coming from Ancient China, this pseudoscience seeks the harmony of energies through the study of environments. Numbers, as an important part of any space, are also studied.

In Feng Shui, the number seven represents the mysteries of life, birth and rebirth. In some places in the Asian region, the number is considered sacred, symbolizing the union between the trinity (represented by the number 3) and the material universe (contained in the number 4).

What can we learn from the number 7?

But then, what can we learn from this set of energies and teachings that the 7 carries? Have you ever stopped to think that a single number can send you so many rich and important messages, whether more urgent or congratulatory? Be more attentive to the presence of the 7 in your life and reap the fruits of the search for a more harmonious and reflective life.

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The seven indicates the importance of the sacred and the laws that govern nature. He reinforces the idea that it is never too late to seek knowledge beyond our purview and says that everyone can walk this path in search of a more complete world governed by the spiritual desires of each one.

Keep learning about the meaning of numbers

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