14:14 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?

We live in a time when peace and tranquility have become luxury items. Few people are able to maintain serenity in the face of life's uncertainties.

But if you've been visualizing the number 14 or the hour equal to 14:14 a lot, it's a sign that you're the type that the world may be falling apart and you're with your inner peace or you're looking for it.

Let's understand a little more.

The meaning of number 14

In the practical sense of life, the junction of 1 with 4 shows power of action, that is, using the active energy of 1 to take attitudes with 4 to organize, structure and firm actions. So much so that, in the sum, we have the number 5 (1+4 = 5), which speaks of movement and motivation.

But for every action to be validated, you need to be sure of what you want and where you want to go. This certainty comes from such a strong inner peace that no matter what happens on the outside, the person feels and knows that he will achieve his goals.

This peace comes from the soul, the connection with angels and spiritual mentors who always give signs to guide us, hence the importance of listening to intuition. And one of the ways is gratitude.

The more grateful, the more confident we become. And the more confident we are, the more we hit on what is good for ourselves.

The numerological meaning of 14

In numerology studies, in addition to the tarot archetypes, the number 14 is represented by the arcane Temperance, which represents the peace and balance necessary after the actions taken in the previous stage (transformations with the number 13).

Here is the soul expressing itself in its fullness, wanting to tell us that nothing matters more in the world than inner tranquility to get where you want to go. Furthermore, it shows that we have angelic protection and blessing. It's the angel saying, "It's okay, trust me and focus on what's true in yourself."

Beautiful message, isn't it?

14:14 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?
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What does it mean to see 14:14

The main message of this equal hour is divine or angelic blessing. At the same time, it is to see if you are not paralyzed in life because of your comfort zone.

There is no right or wrong. Every person aspires to live a lifestyle they believe is right for them and that's okay!

It turns out that many settle down, and therein lies the danger. The comfort zone is a nice and warm place, but temporary. It is a stage in life that must be enjoyed to a certain point and then moved back into motion, seeking growth and expansion.

So, as you see 14:14 pm, feel in your heart which stage of life you are in: is it time to slow down and enjoy or time to move?

What to do when seeing the time 14:14

First, thank you for all the good that happened to you and for all the learning you are living. Then take three deep, calm breaths: imagine a white light entering your lungs through your nostrils and spreading throughout your body, and as you exhale, imagine that you are releasing a gray air.

It is a purification exercise for you to find your peace and to feel that you are not alone. Feel the presence of your spiritual mentor, God or guardian angel with you.

Then, analyze whether your life is flowing positively. If so, just say thank you. If not, it's time to step out of your comfort zone so you don't miss opportunities that life wants to present.

Did you see another time like this? discover the meaning

the angel 1414

In Kabbalistic angel studies, the angel that is closest to Earth at around 14:14 pm is the angel Veuliah. Invoke this angel when you feel you need to destroy negative energies, free yourself from depression and comfort zone.

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The color associated with the number 14 is light blue, which conveys peace and tranquility. Wear this color when you feel a lot of anxiety or desire to connect with your guardian angel. Or simply, envision yourself wrapped in that color in your aura.

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