Year of the Water element Tiger: the action that enhances the flow of the universe

    The tiger is nature's biggest cat. At once fierce and graceful, its smooth gait hides its powerful claws. Archetype of strength, power and action, the tiger dissipates procrastination and discouragement, bringing focus, insight, agility and strength to those who activate it in its morphogenetic field. His courage won't let him back down. He visualizes his targets and pounces on them, like the expert hunter he is. Nothing escapes its powerful grip, nothing resists the force of its prey.

    Water is the primordial element present in the entire Universe. Tales of Miletus already said: โ€œWater is the beginning of all thingsโ€. In the Holy Scriptures, in the first chapter of the book of Genesis, the second verse reveals that โ€œthe spirit of God was hovering over the watersโ€. The solid, liquid and gaseous states are like metaphors for the process of raising consciousness. The water cycle reveals the flow of life. Water travels all distances, overcomes all obstacles, fertilizes the earth, evaporates with the sun's rays, turns into clouds, precipitates as rain and restarts its cycle. Water is within us and around us. Water sustains life.

    Year of the Water element Tiger: the action that enhances the flow of the universe
    David Becker / Unsplash

    The year 2022 is the Year of the Tiger with the Water element, a year that invites us to leave our comfort zone and go in search of our dreams, allowing life to flow in a light, fun and graceful way. Have you ever seen a baby tiger playing? Try watching a documentary about tigers. Little tigers have fun with the simplest things and are not afraid of the unknown, because, even curious, they are prudent, observant and sagacious.

    The purity of water invites us to purify our mind, to have a contemplative attitude towards life and to calm the rough sea of โ€‹โ€‹our emotions. Now is the time to be silent, seeking the calm necessary to access the answers that are within us.

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    For those who understand the flow of life through the water cycle and for those who understand the unshakable power of the tiger, 2022 will be the year of the great turning point, the year of manifesting, shaping and realizing great dreams that live in our soul. Year of new beginnings and resignifications. The time has come to be who we were born to be, to manifest our essence to the world and to share our light with those who are still in the shadows of doubt, fear and pain.

    Let's make 2022 the best year of our lives.


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