Get to know the Mini Gentilezas project: a mobilization for simple things to get off the ground

    When we travel, whether for work or pleasure, it is common to receive hygienic items from the hotel or even from the plane, isn't it? And what do you do with these items? What if you knew that they can be useful for homeless people? This is the project proposal Mini Kindnesses, created recently and which has already taken on a large proportion. We talked to those responsible for the project to find out how it works and how you can contribute. Check out the interview:

    Get to know the Mini Gentilezas project: a mobilization for simple things to get off the ground

    Eu sem Fronteiras – How and when did the Mini Gentilezas project come about?

    Mini Kindnesses: The idea was born in May/2016, to be part of the 365 Days of Action project by the NGO Argilando. We worked on an image to be sent to friends when they were traveling. Encouraging those unused miniatures to be donated to projects that serve the homeless population.

    Eu sem Fronteiras – Who were the people involved?

    Mini Kindnesses: Israel Mesquita, designer, who made the art, and Karina Rocha, who asked him to do it and threw the image on the nets. Today, both are project coordinators.

    Eu sem Fronteiras – What does the Mini Gentilezas project consist of?

    Mini Kindnesses: Our goal is to increase stocks of hygiene kits donated to homeless people in various projects across España. We organize a scheme so that donations can reach the hands of those in need.

    Eu sem Fronteiras – Are many people from the country looking to participate in the project? From what I saw on the website, there are also several locations in the country where the collection points take place. Correct?

    Mini Kindnesses: Yup. There are people from all over Spain looking for it. Today, 12/08, we have 51 collection points spread across 15 cities, 4 states and DF. I'm working on a few more points and by the end of the month we should close 56 points, 17 cities and 5 states at least. 

    Get to know the Mini Gentilezas project: a mobilization for simple things to get off the ground

    Eu sem Fronteiras – What was the biggest challenge encountered so far?

    Mini Kindnesses: Mount the method, without a doubt. It all started with an image that went viral and, in 72 hours, it had over 5 shares on Facebook, with my cell phone number on it. It was crazy, on the fourth day, I thought I was going to freak out. My WhatsApp was receiving messages from over 100 people a day. The initial idea was to send it only to friends and help the groups we already knew here in Rio. Very little thing. But the art was so beautiful and had such a great acceptance that it took on dimensions never imagined. That's when we realized that it had a lot of potential to grow. There are a lot of people in need and we could see a lot of people wanting to help. That's when Argilando came in, embraced the idea and made the project happen. We created a Facebook page, set up the format that can be applied anywhere and now we adjust whenever a new demand appears.

    Eu sem Fronteiras – The focus is homeless people. In conversations with these people, what have they reported after receiving the basic kits?

    Mini Kindnesses: It is important to note that Mini Gentilezas does not deliver directly to the streets. Our proposal is to help groups that already provide this type of assistance. Still, we have contacts with them and we always get this feedback:

    Andre Andrade – Café da Manhã volunteer – RJ project: “It is a very important donation. Those who live on the streets face a great challenge in taking care of personal hygiene. With these donations, in addition to encouraging self-care, there is an awakening of a joy that comes from the affection of a donation made in a very beautiful way. It touches the hearts of people who then feel loved.”
    Iris Gouveia – volunteer of the 10% for Good – project from España: “They are always very surprised to learn that the kit is about personal hygiene products. You can tell they like it a lot! They always welcome us well and, so far, everyone has accepted the kits.”
    Hugo – SAPO volunteer – RJ project: “Mini Gentilezas kits are very well received on the streets. Our brothers jump for joy when they receive the kit. We know that, given the life they lead, they cannot keep these items very well. And they don't even get much of it. On the street, more food and clothes are donated, so when they receive a kit or a bag with shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer and soap, they are really satisfied and happy to be treated with so much care and attention. It was an idea that helped our work a lot and has made a lot of people happy too!”

    Eu sem Fronteiras – What is most rewarding for you?

    Mini Kindnesses: There is no doubt that what makes our heart beat faster is knowing that we are helping a person going through a very difficult time. Knowing that she counts on our work to have a more decent time on this hard journey makes all the organizational madness of talking to people from España all worth it. But Mini Gentilezas has more features, which certainly generate a huge gratification. First, is the fact that we can help those who already help. Personally, we already knew of some projects that do this assistance work. We know how difficult it is to collect and bring monthly (if not weekly) a fresh food, a breakfast with bread rolls and, occasionally, soaps or blankets. The cost of this is really expensive. If it is up to Mini Gentilezas to support the donation of hygiene items, even if in part, we are helping to make this project increasingly viable and can keep helping.

    Second, are the donors. The receptivity of those who see the project and realize they can help is beautiful. We got a huge amount of people saying they never thought they could help a person on the streets. That he did not see himself as a collaborator or that he had not paid attention to the need for these items. Making people realize that they can be protagonists in good actions is very gratifying. It multiplies! 

    Get to know the Mini Gentilezas project: a mobilization for simple things to get off the ground

    Eu sem Fronteiras – How are the materials received and who is responsible for them selected?

    Mini Kindnesses: Every city has what we call Volunteer Central. They are responsible for receiving all the material left at the collection points. On a pre-arranged date, they gather the donations, check the validity of each item, sort by product genre, count and weigh. From there, the items go to the groups that will distribute to the streets. Each city has its own peculiarity and sometimes volunteers get together for this screening, sometimes the group itself is part of the collection points and so on.

    Me without Borders – Leave a message:

    Mini Kindnesses: “It works because it's simple. It's simple because it works.” That's our motto. It sounds silly, but it's not. Anyone can help, can share the idea, can take it to friends and co-workers. Any group can receive the items and take them to those who need them. Any city can have the collection point and be a bridge between donors and those in need. Thus, we realize that they are common people, who lead their lives in a common way, making a huge difference in the journey of those who need it.

    Check the collection points here.

    If you want to contribute, send an e-mail to:

    Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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