Life cycles according to Numerology

    According to Pythagorean Numerology, in addition to the annual personal cycle, we have three major life cycles. These cycles are also called Consciousness Expansion Cycles. They bring an energy to work with at every stage of our journey on Earth.

    The energy of each cycle serves for our soul to develop and our connection to the Universe to deepen. So, by being aware of them, we are able to live our soul purpose in an easier way.

    It is natural that we have different desires and dreams in each of these cycles. For some people the energy of each period is so diverse that they come to perceive the break in their personality traits in each of these phases.

    Life cycles according to Numerology
    eternalcreative de Getty Images Pro / Canva

    For other people, which is rarer, the energy cycle can repeat itself two or even three times. This demonstrates that throughout life they will have to work hard on the same aspect of consciousness to finally take a step forward in the learning required for their evolution.

    To calculate a person's life cycles, as well as the challenges and fulfillment opportunities contained therein, a numerologist uses the client's date of birth. Thus, it is possible to bring specific information about what life asks for in each of these periods and that perhaps the person did not realize it or devalued it.

    The first of these moments is called Training Cycle. It is in him that we have the opportunity to build the foundations of our being. This is when we build the identity and personality that will accompany us on this journey. It is the phase in which we seek to understand who we are.

    This usually happens based on what we hear from others about ourselves. As this external gaze determines our self-perception, often many emotional scars are created in the first cycle. It is also at this stage that we assimilate beliefs from our environment about life, relationships, health, money, work, and so on.

    For each person, this cycle ends at a certain age: from 23 to 31 years old, depending on their date of birth.

    The second cycle is known as Production Cycle. It is the phase in which life expands beyond the intimate circle of origin, that is, beyond the family and the most familiar environments.

    Life cycles according to Numerology
    Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

    It is also here that work and our way of contributing to others and the planet tend to be most important. We have the opportunity to build our own beliefs from our lived experiences and, thus, connect more with our essence than with the identity with which we present ourselves to the world.

    This cycle can go from 24-32 to 51-59, depending on your date of birth.

    The third cycle, which begins at the end of the second and continues until our death, is named Fullness Cycle. It is the period in which we open ourselves to reap the fruits planted in the two previous cycles, and this harvest happens in all areas of life: spiritual, family, professional, financial, in the body, in relationships and so on.

    It is the moment when, ideally, we would be free to be who we truly are, manifesting the maximum of the potentials we were gifted with at birth and the learning acquired over time to impact the whole with our existence.

    In unconsciousness, it is the moment when the account of the automatic choices we have made arrives, that is, in the manifestation of diseases, disorders, relational problems, loneliness, scarcity, lack of peace, etc.

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    Knowing your Consciousness Expansion Cycles can help you boost your constructive energies and make choices that are more aligned with the results you want to achieve today and in the future. It can also bring more lightness and joy, the joy of being you.

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