May: the month of empowered women

The month of May is the month of the Roman goddess Maia, a Roman deity who was celebrated at that time, considered the goddess of the earth and flowers, responsible for the plants that were born in European spring and, therefore, the month remembers her name. But the clergy, in their Christian calendar, ended up adapting this month considered "pagan" to also celebrate another female figure, Mary, the mother of Jesus, so May is the month of our progenitors, it's the month of brides... It's a month feminine, it's our month!

And nothing fairer than talking about empowerment. Its meaning is linked to the condition or state of possessing powers. The word of English origin empowerment has been widely used lately by the media when it wants to relate to the female image. But does coloring your hair green or wearing a stiletto heel really define the posture of an empowered woman?

May: the month of empowered women

From suffragettes in the struggle for the female vote to Coco Chanel herself, who created her own fashion by getting rid of corsets and the exaggeration of “frills”, we could mention several women in history who made their history. Empowerment is not in the rules. If that were the case, the women's magazines of the 1950s — often written by men, with female pseudonyms, who dictated fashion and etiquette to society's “well-regarded” women — would continue to be very well sold and accepted by women today.

In a capitalist world, to be empowered is to be economically and emotionally independent. Nowadays, many young women manage to acquire their university degree and many women occupy extremely important professional positions in positions previously held by men.

Beware of 1950s Magazines: They're in a New Look

May: the month of empowered women

There are beautiful and intelligent women, but dissatisfied when it comes to the topic of love, and no matter their marital status - the insecurity is always the same. Just this week, I came across a type of ad on social media in which they offered a tutorial for women who are already in a relationship. I won't go into details, but I interpreted it as a kind of tutorial so that the woman could save her relationship. It was a title something like this: “Respect in the relationship between two”. This caught my attention and I was very shocked because the cost of the course seemed exorbitant and I noticed that there were more than a thousand comments from desperate women wanting to sign up for such a course. So I asked Facebook why they sent me this type of ad, and the company explained that because I am “married”, I should be interested in this type of content. Of course, I warned them that it was none of my business and they stopped sending me. I would like us to do a brief analysis on this.

May: the month of empowered women
David Thomaz/Unsplash

On the one hand, it is understandable that Venus women resort to some “sentimental coaching” to try to understand what is happening on Mars. I understand and respect the work of these professionals who point out where they should invest in the sentimental conquest and where they should identify when it is a real trap, because over time and from some bad experiences we know that men are very strategic and nothing more. It is only fair that the woman learn to play the same coin.

On the other hand, I believe that the modern woman of any age group must know how to discern what type of service she will hire, since enrolling in a course in which she teaches a woman to keep her spouse inside the house, and stay by her side , even though he showed “coldness and disinterest in her” (because that was what was between the lines of the first sentence seen in the advertisement), it makes me wonder how low a woman's self-esteem can get.

Respect is good and we like it

May: the month of empowered women

I don't consider myself the owner of the truth, who am I for that? But it bothers me that in a patriarchal society (yes! it's still a sexist society, don't be fooled by the "empowered woman" commercial. This is far from empowerment!!!), many women think that to be complete they need to do everything to having a man on their side, who don't even value them, just to please the Greeks and Trojans.

It is evident that every relationship falls into routine and has its crises; men are not perfect either, however, women are not obligated to try to please them all the time, the woman is not always to blame for the end of a union, sometimes, love became just friendship or the guy He really is a complete idiot, pardon the word.

There are also the most serious relationships, the toxic ones, in which they involve verbal and physical aggression, so it is already a case of an analyst and help from family and friends.

May: the month of empowered women

Without forgetting the economic submission, in which some women still experience and will have to make a radical change, if they need to get out of this type of worn out partnership, which often does not even involve the emotional anymore, but the comfort, after all, it also contributed to building the patrimony that today the couple has together, but not always the man recognizes, and involves endless fights in the justice. And she will not always have the support of third parties, whether to take care of her children, because she needs to get a job, since the negotiated pension is not always fair or she simply needs to go back to school to be able to grow professionally and keep her family in the country. level of life they had before.

How many times do I observe girls who travel the world, are successful financially, have masters, doctorates, etc. and have to deal with family and friends who demand a wedding from them? It's not ugly for a 50-year-old man to be the bachelor, the "spinner", however, a woman of that same age... it's the end to be the "spinster".

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I believe the same is true for those who are married: marriage has to be for two, love and respect have to come from both!

A woman has to look for a course that makes her feel good, that promotes her quality of life, such as, for example, learning a foreign language, doing yoga or dancing, acquiring culinary knowledge (because she loves cooking, just for this) etc.

A happy woman also attracts good things like a nice partner who values ​​her, if that's her goal. The woman has to live for her own well-being, so that she can be a good companion, mother, daughter, professional and empowered.

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