March 21 – World Poetry Day

I am a poetry lover. Poetry is something that brings a greater enchantment to the days. Ornate words with the lofty purpose of sweetening our minds. Poetry creates in us reflective experiences about the fine lines of life.

Did you know that there is a world day meant to celebrate poetry?

March 21st was reserved especially to remember this form of art, which permeates the entire world and, certainly, to encourage more poets to appear out there, in this blue globe. Writing is something very important and reading goes hand in hand with this movement.

March 21 – World Poetry Day

The date was created by UNESCO in 1999.

But do you know what poetry is?

There are indications that poetry appeared before writing. We know that the transmission of ideas started only through speech, through oral exchange.

We have inspirations and we have insights, those touches that come from within. The poet, then, tells us something melodiously and makes us be in the scene, even if distant, or makes us experience a more enchanted and less formatted state of presence.

In everything there is poetry

Life has different scenes and in everything there are messengers and messages. Everything that surrounds us promotes a form of understanding and beliefs and that is where the poeticizing of life can enter.

To take what comes to us and look for the side of the situation not exposed, but existing, felt, there, in the heart. Doing the exercise of contemplative pause and active listening, enjoying words and also inventing some, deconstructing them, reconstructing them with new meanings is a poetic dynamic and everyone is a poet when they allow themselves.

March 21 – World Poetry Day

Many times, when looking at a painting or seeing something, even if there are no words there, we usually say: “there is poetry in it, this thing was poetry to my ears”. This is why poetry exists in all of us. We honor your existence, albeit unconsciously.

creative writing

Creating journals, carrying notebooks with you to record insights, drawing landscapes, all of this can encourage creative writing.

To write is to give space for the soul to speak and reread what has sprung up. With a re-reading, we, enlightened and inspired souls, are also resignifying ourselves.

Writing is necessary, it is necessary. The line that actually forms a word is the lifeline. We need to bond well with her.

Interesting readings

March 21 – World Poetry Day

Certainly, writing is the result of an interest in reading. The more we read, the more we write and write because we feel a vital force moving towards it.

A good tip is to read everything! I even read the label. Have fun with it, make your walk in the street a walk in a great library of the world. Read everything. What has a word, like the poster on the wall, read the advertisement, read the eyes, the smiles. Here is another movement of the poet.

Indicated to inspire

I bring my favorite poets, but don't waste time, make a good folder of your poets and fill yourself with light and charms whenever you want:

Jalal ud-Din Rumi – A poet of Sufism, he enchants me with the depth he brings in each verse. It brings out a sacred perception of life and how much it is necessary to go beyond what is seen and what is just said. Look at this snippet:

Let us then close our mouths and converse through the soul.

Only the soul knows the fate of everything, step by step.”

Cora Coraline: Spanish writer who gives an experience of true presence in life. To read what she wrote is to perceive herself as real and in a constant movement of experiences. Here's the advice she gives us:

Make your life petty

A poem."

Rupi Kaur: Indian, young and feminist. She brings a call for freedom in her words. She turned traumas into poetry. She invites us to the necessary empowerment and not to give up. taste:

March 21 – World Poetry Day

We were all born so beautiful,

The great tragedy is that they convince us that we are not…”

Adelia Prado: I like Adélia because she promotes the perception of charms, the vision of the simple as something transformative and full of purpose. Look how wonderful:

Pain has nothing to do with bitterness.

I think that everything that happens is made for us to learn more and more,

It's to teach people how to live. Collapsible.”

Certainly there are so many other poets dear to my heart, but for now, I leave these, so that you choose a few. How about we share in comments?

Do not forget. We are all poets of life, the work of art itself.

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