Mantras to do in the morning

Starting the day right is one of the great secrets to having joy and balance during all other hours. Unfortunately, many of us still don't give due importance to the early hours of the morning and tend to run out of the house, as they leave the alarm clock until the last minute. Waking up calmly, taking a shower, having a good breakfast and even meditating are necessary actions to have a full day. Some mantras are also of great help to give the long-awaited harmony for the day.

Our words and thoughts have incredible power over us, and mantras are a way to educate our minds to work in our favor.. Through repetition we can place important ideas in our innermost selves and come to believe in them without realizing it. Positive thoughts are always the beginning of a mantra, and words like “no” and “never” will never be part of a mantra. The focus is on the positive and the affirmative, denial has no place in this type of mental education.

In the morning, some mantras are even more suitable as we tend to carry their energy for the rest of the day.. Check out some of the most beneficial ones for this beginning of the day below and repeat them during your shower, as soon as you regain consciousness when you wake up or even on the way to work. I guarantee they will do you a gigantic benefit.

Mantras to do in the morning

– “I choose to be at peace”

This sentence sums up the great goal of all of us, day after day. When you repeat this idea you will automatically make this choice and believe in it.

- Love

Like peace, love is one of the most sought after and necessary feelings in our life. Repeating the word love makes us emanate this feeling to everyone who crosses our path and, invariably, makes us receive a lot of it in return as well.

- "I want, I can, I can"

It's a mantra that will make you gain confidence almost automatically. Affirming that you are capable for yourself is the first step for anything to work out.

- "Everything will work out"

More energy of good approaching you at dawn. Showing your mind that your intention is for everything to go well and end well only makes the universe conspire in your favor and really make everything go for the best.

- To

It is the simplest and most original mantra. It transmits the “original vibration of manifestation” and is often used during meditations to maintain the necessary concentration.

– Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam

Some mantras are indicated to stimulate specific areas of the body making them work at their best right after waking up. The above mantras are to be used separately and each is linked to the following organs in order: spinal cord, genitals, abdominal area and heart health.

Written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteira team

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