Make your dreams come true. Before it's too late.

For some reason, we always put off realizing our dreams. For some reason, we constantly have something planned and tucked away in the drawer. Have you ever stopped to think that we usually put off a special wish indefinitely next year? But why are we like this? Why do we act this way if the chance of regretting it in the future is great? Regrets are horrible, and a dream come true is certainly one of the greatest joys we can conquer in this life!

From the most primitive to the most elaborate dreams. From that long-awaited trip that we want to take, but don't organize properly, to the diet or gym that we're going to start and leave for the next week. We can't forget about that new language that we want to learn or improve so much, and we're leaving it for the next month, for the next year... Now, can you imagine that this time may not come for you?

Make your dreams come true. Before it's too late.

At the time I decided to write about this subject, I was on my way to Rio de Janeiro, more precisely to Rock in Rio. Reason? My son dreamed of going to a big concert, and I considered making that day an unforgettable one for him. During the flight, I started to think about how much we procrastinate on realizing our dreams and happy moments. But don't think that I've always had this attitude towards life.

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I'm a person who has put off many desires - out of laziness, out of fear - VERY FEAR - for lack of money and planning - until, one day, death knocked on my door, and took my best friend! It's been 3 years since it happened, and the pain of this loss doesn't decrease, as well as the daily learning. Unfortunately, I "needed" to lose a very special person to stop putting off my dreams, to park excuses, and to learn to give more value and meaning to my life.

Daniela passed away at the age of 34, taking with her several unfulfilled desires. With her departure, I realized that I couldn't delay life anymore! Time was passing too fast, my son growing up, and it was time to act! In addition to taking more care of my health, and my diet, I wanted to practice street races, go on a cruise with Pedro and also get to know the famous carnival in Salvador.

Running had been a purpose since I was 18, but I had a really hard time breathing. Living in the interior of São Paulo, I watched on TV and admired the São Silvestre race a lot, however, participating seemed something very far from my reality. Daniela left in October 2016, and on December 31 of the same year, in honor of her, and after a lot of training, I ran the 15 km. And since then, I've been doing street racing. Honestly, if it weren't for her, I don't think I would have started this activity.

The week after my friend's death, I bought, in installments “as far as the eye could see”, a 7-day trip on a cruise, which was my son's dream. In the same year, I dragged my ex-boyfriend to Carnival in Salvador. I danced a lot of axé, and saw several artists who were part of my adolescence. And my intentions of getting to know the snow and the sights of Rio de Janeiro? It's already been done!

Make your dreams come true. Before it's too late.

The champion reasons why we put off our dreams are the old excuse of “I don't have time”, “I don't have money”, “I have a small child”. But you know, in my opinion, lack of planning and fear are the biggest causes of all this. At least, I confess, they were mine! Of course, each person has particular arguments, and we need to dream within our reality financially speaking. After all, you can't have a negative account, can you?

If your goal is to take a trip, spending money on nonsense, clothes, restaurants and expensive cars is not a good alternative. If you intend to take a course or some physical activity, the way is to learn how to manage your life in the best possible way. If your intention is not to reach the end of your life with regrets, putting off your plans and goals is not the best idea. The secret is to let go of fear and have attitude and determination, because you are in charge of your life. Don't leave your dreams in the hands of fate, and don't want to lose someone you love to learn to live.

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