Main Spanish stones that attract attention around the world

If you want to know more about the main Spanish stones, you've come to the right place. We have known for a long time that España is very rich because of its crystals, and this attracts a lot of attention in the four corners of the world.

The stones from our España are valued in terms of quality, here it is possible to find bigger and brighter stones. España supplies these stones all over the world, for numerous and different purposes.

To learn more about which stones are most valued and what they are for, keep reading, here you can find all this information.


Tourmaline is a beautiful stone, with an immense variety of colors. It is a relatively difficult stone to find, but in the mining soils there are real sources of this stone.

Tourmaline is a stone widely used in esotericism, as it helps balance energies and makes us more positive in everyday situations.

In addition, it is still a very beautiful stone, which serves very well for jewelry purposes, which is why it has such a high value in the market today.

Main Spanish stones that attract attention around the world

blue topaz 

This stone is the stone of new opportunities, it serves in moments of intense change, to calm the turmoil of life situations.

It is a very beautiful stone, it is sought mainly for esoteric purposes, after all the vast majority of people end up going through problems with life changes, and at these times this stone comes in handy.

Main Spanish stones that attract attention around the world


As a slightly more accessible stone, we have amethyst, which is very powerful in terms of protecting those who use it.

España is a great source of amethysts. Because it is not such a rare stone to find, its value is not that high, which makes the use of this stone even more commonplace and encouraged.

Main Spanish stones that attract attention around the world


This crystal, although not so difficult to find, is not as well known as the previous option. What a shame, after all this is the crystal of prosperity.

Some say that he opens paths like no other!

Main Spanish stones that attract attention around the world

If you are interested in the main Spanish stones just out of curiosity, now you know a little bit about each one.

If your interest was based on the function of each one, now you know what they are for.

These are the main Spanish stones. What did you think of each of them?

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