“Love, the only reality that exists” – Interview with Heloísa Capellas, from the Hoffman Center

    Heloísa Capellas is an example of a person who suffered a lot, but who managed to get up and move forward with great strength and the support of friends. For 20 years, she had complicated relationships and suffered from not accepting some situations. But when she discovered the Hoffman Process, she made another script for her life. Check out the interview with Heloísa Capellas and reflect on issues of challenge, suffering and happiness.

    “Love, the only reality that exists” – Interview with Heloísa Capellas, from the Hoffman Center

    Eu sem Fronteiras – Tell me a little about yourself, where you were born and where you live:

    Heloísa Capellas – I was born in Lins, in the interior of São Paulo, almost 60 years ago and I have lived in Sampa for 58 years. I had a common family, we were poor, my father was Portuguese and my mother was a German daughter. We are 4 brothers and I am the third. I grew up in the average person and started to differentiate myself when I went to work at Banco do España, at the age of 18. I got married at 22 and at 25 I was Beatriz's mother. When she was 1 year and 8 months old she started to have a seizure and a month later she went into a coma and became mentally handicapped. I was 8 months pregnant with my second daughter and for 20 years I had a very difficult life, I made a lot of confusion in my relationships. I fought, cried, searched, felt helpless and vulnerable. 10 years later, a friend introduced me to PH (Hoffman Process) and I experienced a watershed in my life.

    Me Without Borders – When did you learn about the Hoffman process and what did it change in your life?

    “Love, the only reality that exists” – Interview with Heloísa Capellas, from the Hoffman CenterHeloísa Capellas – I took the PH 24 years ago and I consider that I had a life before, and another after. Today I have a mission to give back to the Universe what I received from him through this work. I give lectures mobilizing and motivating people to choose love and this light in their lives through self-knowledge, and I lead the Hoffman Center because I believe that the Process can change the world, transforming people into peaceful and contributing beings.

    Eu sem Fronteiras – What was your biggest challenge so far?

    Heloísa Capellas – Accepting the pain and that life goes on regardless of our suffering was my biggest challenge. You are living that moment of anguish and frustration and people are living another moment and, generally speaking, loneliness arrives. My biggest challenge was accepting my vulnerability. I'm human, I don't know everything, I feel fears and I need help. That's quite a lesson. We need help to learn to be happy. 

    Me without Borders – What do you have to say to people about happiness?

    “Love, the only reality that exists” – Interview with Heloísa Capellas, from the Hoffman CenterHeloísa Capellas – Happiness is a choice and you can choose this path all the time. We rule ourselves and we can control what we want in our personality, choose the life we ​​want. With training, patience and persistence, happiness is possible.

    What people charge us is them, we can answer it or not.

    Me without Borders – Leave a message!

    Heloísa Capellas – We can learn to breathe and change our mind stream. We are what we think and feel about ourselves. This is learned, therefore it can be relearned. What is the secret? Self-knowledge, awareness of who you are. Forgiveness and acceptance for your story. The result?! Love, love and love, the only reality that exists!!!

    Learn more about the Hoffman Process here.

    Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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