Love: the language of angels

    What is love but an eternal teaching? What is love but an eternal love?

    In the eagerness and anxiety to explain what love is, we are always looking for a way to draw with colors, with lightness and purity what love is.

    Love can happen in many ways: in motherhood, in friendship, in maturity and in eternity. And as vague as these concepts is love.

    When we love, we are sure of nothing but that we just love and out of love we abdicate ourselves, out of love we leave dreams, nightmares, fears, desires and nurture hope.

    For love, we dance the living circle of life without realizing that we are the clown in the circus, the center of attention, the one who makes the other laugh and cry.

    The various forms of love and love are as beautiful and as bitter as honey and gall.

    And out of love, there have been many deaths in humanity, sad and eternal dreams left behind, like the death of Jesus Christ, like the brothers Cain and Abel or the passionate Romeo and Juliet.

    Humanity loved so much that it forgot about limits and how love can hurt. When you love, you're drunk on the soft, sweet liquor. A hot liqueur that can make us mad.

    Love leaves us blind, lost, without direction. It takes our breath away and suffocates us. It embarrasses us and leaves us out of the loop. It shows the direction, but does not detail the path. And when it's time to choose, we find ourselves at a fork in the road and we don't know which way to go, after all, where will love take us?

    Love: the language of angels
    Hernan Pauccara / Pexels

    Humanity lives to love and even when love kills, it kills for love. There are so many choices we need to make, so many trials we have to face, so many pains and abysses that try to destroy us, so many disappointments, crying, uncertainty, violation of the soul, discouragement, grief, the pain, the fear, the failure, the weakness, the discouragement and, finally, the sadness. But even so, we still believe in love, that four-letter feeling that gives meaning to life.

    There are so many forms of love and love in the world, it is impossible to explain here how they manifest themselves.

    Loving a child, parents, a loved one, a friend, a love for life or just a passenger, a pet, a plant, a song, an outfit, a food, a treasured object, a cause… ah, the love has so many faces.

    It shines through passionate eyes, mouths that entwine and arms that don't want to let go, sweaty bodies or just a memory.

    The worst feeling for love is longing, those who live on love don't know how to wait. Whoever finds a path in love needs one or more partners to follow, because going alone is almost impossible. Those who love are always looking for something or someone, they want to help themselves, but also the other, so love is not a noun, love is a verb that can be conjugated in more than one person: I love, you love, he loves, we love, ye love, they love. See, feel the beauty in these conjugations, how many forms of love have been around for so long. See how beautiful it is to conjugate the verb to love. Its practicality does not always really happen, it is a fact, but there is not a single living being that has not experienced in its existence a form of love. Love is in the simplest things, from watching a little ant walk to its queen doing her daily duty to the most complex things like being able to live on the moon, after all it has been years of dedication and study, if that is not also a way of love, what would it be then?

    But it's about everyday love that I want to write, this everyday love, the one that always needs to be renewed. From the love we dedicate to ourselves by having the courage to get out of bed for another day of battle, from the love for our family and friends, from the love for our work, from the love for our life, from the love for God who has given us the opportunity to start over with another blank page to be written.

    Love: the language of angels
    Pixabay / Pexels

    This sounds so familiar, but that's how it has to be, reading these simple words you're probably wondering what's so special about these lines, about this theme? And I will answer you simply: love, only love!

    Love is capable of healing any kind of pain, it can overcome any barrier, any difficulty, it can do everything and accomplish everything when done with the purest feeling, the one that comes from the soul.

    Without love, humanity would already be extinct as one of all existing species. He can transform the trivial into necessary and make us beings completely filled with love. So don't leave it for later, love now, open your heart, declare your love as many times as necessary and possible. Life is a breath and only those who love are able to understand this brevity. Only those who love can complete life with joyful and radiant colors capable of overshadowing darkness and all evil.

    Throw yourself deep, fill your chest with air, jump from the highest place, scream the words "I love you" as much as you can, you can never regret living a great love with the intensity and truth it deserves.

    Time will pass, maybe old age will come for some, for others the end of life will be brief, but unhappy for those who do not give themselves the pleasure of experiencing the exchange of love.

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    I want to finish my verses imbued with the purest of loves and dedicate this little chapter, the most beautiful form of love, of loving… to all the victims of Covid-19 and their loved ones.

    My most sincere feelings!

    I end with a biblical passage, which ended up turning into a beautiful song, it, of course, talks about love, enjoy reading and never forget to love:

    "Though I speak with the tongues of men.

    And speak the language of angels, without love I would be nothing.

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