Love, life and freedom!

    Love, life and freedom!

    The article talks about love and highlights the phrase of the medieval philosopher and theologian Saint Augustine, who says: “Love and do what you want”.

    Whatever you do, do it out of love. Whatever you think, think for love. Whatever you wish, wish for love. Whatever wait, wait for love. Whatever you dream, dream with love!

    Love happens when we desire, want and fight for it. Love is not a stagnant entity, which is there in front of us and, when we need it, we go there and get it. Not. Love is struggle, conquest.

    Who loves makes history happen, does not stand still, oblivious to events. Those who really love take care, watch over, educate.

    Love is the noblest human feeling. There is no other feeling that makes us more human than love. Love heals!

    In love, there is no problem. The only problem is not to love. Love identifies who is the truth and who is the lie. Love builds bridges, dreams, achievements. Love saves!

    Who truly loves does not live in a lie. Everything shares. Everything ponders. Love makes people welcoming, tolerant and flexible. Who loves is free, fraternal, welcoming, sweet, happy!

    Those who don't love are unhappy, they keep complaining about everything and everyone: the world, the climate, governments, the sun, the rain...

    Loving means being simple, looking at life with positivity. Those who love always see the best in the other. It's positive. Don't live complaining about everything and everyone. Love frees us from the pain of the world!

    As I said earlier, I really like this phrase from the medieval philosopher and theologian Saint Augustine: “Love and do what you want”. That's right, the essence of love is freedom. Who loves is free!

    Whoever loves is cordial, polite, flexible and does not live only for himself, because he always thinks about the other and never only about himself. On the contrary, those who do not love are intransigent, rude, intolerant; live blaming others!

    Have you ever wondered why the word love is the most sung and decanted by poets, singers and writers in world literature? Is it because love is an achievement and not a gift?

    Be tolerant, empathetic, welcoming, reflective, etc. they are attitudes that demonstrate that you are a loving person. Have faith and hope too! In everything, prayer takes us to another level!

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    Those who truly love pray for their own and for their enemies. “When you pray, go into your room and close your door; pray to your Father in secret, and your Father in secret will reward you” (Mt 6,6:XNUMX).

    Finally, being in communion with God is the shortest way to human happiness, to love, to mutual respect, to justice, to forgiveness… And long live Love! Live the life! Long live freedom!

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