Love as a limiting belief

    Love is one of the most controversial abstractions of humanity. We explain love in the most infinite ways. He is part of everything, he is in everything and he was the beginning of everything. Some say that love precedes everything. We are beings driven by a huge range of perceptions, feelings and sensations, of which we understand 10% and the other 90% are guesses and glimpses.

    Love is so great and abundant, that due to lack of understanding it becomes limiting. We believe in love, but we limit its existence and enter a prison without walls, becoming dependent on this limiting belief.

    We are so caught up in a constant and agonizing search for love, that if we live it we don't realize it and if we realize it we don't live it to the fullest, because we are blind most of the time, trapped in an endless search, behind a fairy tale, a created utopia about love passed from generation to generation.

    Love as a limiting belief
    Monsterkoi / Pixabay / Canva

    When we wake up to love, the first understanding we have is that it is born from us, by us and for us; he fills us and overflows us. Full of it, we can share it with beings, who, in the same degree of full love that we do, do not complete, but overflow, because love is multiple, it can be divided and added, never subtracted. Pure love abounds.

    The vast majority of people have not yet awakened to love, so relationships tend to suffer and toxic and abusive situations, which end up limiting their awakening, suffocating them in hurts, insecurities, addictions and more toxic relationships.

    To awaken, we need to return to the purest and most real source of love we have ever experienced: there in the womb, where we are in full communion with unconditional and cellular love, protected from everything.

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    β€œLove is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

    It doesn't mistreat, it doesn't seek its interests, it doesn't get angry easily, it doesn't hold a grudge.

    Love does not rejoice in injustice, but rejoices in the truth.

    Everything suffers, everything believes, everything hopes, everything supports.”

    I Corinthians 13:4-7

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