Love above all, say no to prejudice!

Many people ask us if loving someone of the same sex is a sin, and I always return the answer with another question: and since when is love a sin?

To love, according to our dear and wise Aurรฉlio: โ€œA feeling that induces to approach, protect or conserve the person for whom one feels affection or attraction; great affection or strong affinity for another person. Intense feeling of attraction between two people. Affective bonding with others, usually also including a bond of a sexual nature.โ€

Certainly, many beliefs and philosophies will complement this perfect definition with sexual preferences and other rules imposed by society. I do not want to start a debate on religions or beliefs here, but to bring up a topic that is still so controversial and causes so much unhappiness for our society, which is the right to love, to love without prejudice.

Unconditional love, which should be present in all of us, does not follow rules and we should love each other unconditionally, but with all our limitations, we cannot follow this main teaching of the Master... closer.

True love between two people can arise from passion, can be built through true friendship, and can be nurtured by physical and emotional attraction.

When we love someone, and we are reciprocated, we become complete, we feel within our heart a light and pleasant energy. Anxiety to see the loved one produces chemical and physical effects on our body. And the longing for the loved one makes us feel the pain in the chest, the anguish of wanting this being that completes us present by our side.

How good it is to love, it is good for the skin, rejuvenates, brings joy and happiness, cures diseases, makes us have more dreams and more will to live.

And with all these pro-love benefits, I now ask you: what's the harm in loving another person of the same sex? Or different ages? Or even different ethnicities?

So, I ask you to reflect with this text on all the paradigms that have been generated over the years, the limiting beliefs that we carry and that today weigh on our attitudes. May we have an awareness of our acts and beliefs, and so we can free ourselves from these ties, becoming free beings to love.

Love above all, say no to prejudice!

To love, yes, to love without prejudice, to love without judgments, to love freely, to love with respect, truly taking care of that someone who is so dear to us in our hearts. Sharing and building dreams together. Building a new path, united by the greatest feeling in this world: love.

May our actions be free from prejudice, may our words be balms of optimism, may our thoughts be pure and may our hearts shine with love and joy.

May we love more, criticize less and be happy always!

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