Living means getting to know yourself

Knowing ourselves is a way of directing our choices towards our personal improvement and development.
Overcoming our limitations, with attitudes that contribute to being stronger, in the face of adversity and day-to-day challenges.

Leading us to understand that luck, misfortune and destiny only become preponderant in our lives when we do not use our capacities of reason, intuition and action.

We cannot control the natural processes of Life, but we can control our choices, through our self-observation, directing the course of our existence.

Living means getting to know yourself

As the existentialist philosopher Sartre once said, "It doesn't matter what life made of you, but what you made of what Life made of you."

We are able to direct our Life when we develop our Consciousness, as this is the key to all transformation.

Each of us will get to know ourselves as we reflect on each challenge and choice and ask ourselves:

  • What am I doing to myself?
  • What do I want with this?
  • Will this make me happy?
  • Is this the Life I want to live?
  • Why am I following this path?
  • What is driving me to make this choice?

All this with the aim of having contact with who, in fact, we are and realizing what moves us.

Whether it is our unconsciousness or our Consciousness. Our outdated conditionings or our Soul impulse?

Seeking at each step to improve and awaken the potentials that exist in us.

Otherwise, if we blame life for everything that happens to us, we will continue an existence just existing and not really living and perceiving ourselves as BEING.

Our life is the fruit of our actions and choices.

We will discover who we are essentially, through our experiences.

If we keep repressing ourselves and forgetting ourselves, we stop living our truth, becoming unhappy, disillusioned and dissatisfied people.

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