Living is the art of choosing

    Living is the art of choosing. The act of choosing can sometimes become a dilemma; due to insecurities, anxieties, worries or even the fear of not being able to deal with the unknown results of a given decision, they can put the individual in an inert and passive position when he is faced with the need to decide something related to his life at some point. However, it is important to understand that living is the art of choosing! Living is always having to decide. Living is prioritizing all the time. At times, we will need to give up something to the detriment of another, even if temporarily. We will always need to have that look of understanding and wisdom to accept these exchanges! Life is all about choices. We choose something and expect to receive some benefit from our choices, while it also means giving up something. We choose all the time. From when we get up in the morning, we have already started our choices. Even small choices. You choose whether you will have breakfast or not, whether you will wear an X or Y outfit, you choose which means of transport you will use to go to work. And there will always be losses in some aspect in one of your choices. However, the gain of what you chose at that moment was perhaps the best for you, perhaps it was the best for other people involved. However, many people live their dilemmas and their inner conflicts when they need to decide. They often end up adopting the limbo position, the famous being โ€œon the fenceโ€, which is not at all interesting for them. The Universe hates indecision, fear and passivity when it comes to putting oneself before life. The Universe requires from us attitude and decision, because to live we need to position ourselves, decide and prioritize. As I said above, we choose all the time.

    In fact, if we delve a little deeper into this issue of passivity or even indecision or lack of action when it comes to choosing priorities, we can see that this happens when we are much more connected with our ego than with our intuition, with our interior, with our being, with our essence, therefore we are vibrating in fear. In the fear of the unknown, in the fear of failure, in the fear of not realizing the possible consequences. Often, this internal dilemma is because we are wired to anxiety, so we prefer to stay safe, under control, and protected. Sometimes we prefer the certainty of the comfort zone to the unknown, which is somewhat obscure. When this happens, it is true that we are trying to choose out of fear, when in fact we should choose out of love. Even when we don't choose, we are making a choice. Often, out of fear, we choose not to choose.

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    "True love casts out all fear." Weren't those the words written in the Bible long ago?

    Living is the art of choosing
    Joshua Earle / Unsplash

    When we are connected with our essence and with our soul, we are connected with love. And love is not afraid to choose, for it knows that its decisions will be based on the greater good. So deciding is not difficult and painful, because love has no attachment or attempt to control life, to control events, others and situations. This is ego stuff. The ego is afraid of losing, of harming itself, of getting hurt. The ego does not want to lose control. The ego finds itself in conflict and suffering when faced with a decision, as having to make choices can mean losing. But the essence knows that it never loses, that nothing is wrong or out of place, but that everything and everything that happens is in God's perfect order. Therefore, even if you are faced with giving up one thing to the detriment of another, you know that everything is perfect. Choices are no longer problems, they are for our good and for the good of everyone involved. So when we resonate with love, we are not afraid of the future, we are not afraid of our destiny, and therefore we are not afraid to choose when it is necessary; for we know that our destiny will be based on and built upon the choices we have made during our earthly journey. And these will no longer be problems for us, as they will be in resonance with our essence and our soul desire.

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