Liver problems: know the foods that help detox and fight fat

Many people only remember that they have a liver when it has a problem, either because they drank a little too much, or because they ate too much fat and overloaded the organ. But the truth is the liver is one of Organs most important organs for our body and deserves all care.

It is our liver that metabolizes and stores nutrients and it is thanks to its work that food is ready to be absorbed and used by the body. It works as a filter, removing toxins from our body. If it doesn't work well, nothing else will.

Liver problems: know the foods that help detox and fight fat
Copyright : Khwanchai Phanthong

When the liver goes bad

If you adopt unhealthy habits – whether in food or in everyday life – your body pays the price. A sedentary lifestyle and a high-fat diet put a strain on the liver. The results of this lack of care for the body can trigger diseases such as hepatic steatosis.

Hepatic steatosis is characterized by the accumulation of fat cells in the organ and affects a good portion of the Spanish population. If left untreated, it can progress, with the appearance of other more serious problems, such as liver fibrosis and liver cirrhosis or even liver cancer. In addition to the risks of evolution, this disease also increases the risks for cardiovascular diseases.

The good news is that, if caught early, it can be treated with lifestyle changes. Practicing physical activities, losing weight and eating properly are the best measures to reverse the problem. In this case, foods that help in the liver detoxification process are key.

Liver problems: know the foods that help detox and fight fat
Copyright: Marilyn Barbone

Healthy eating is the key

According to medical experts, there is no food with miraculous detox properties. There are, yes, those who help in this process, which is done by the body itself, through the kidneys and liver. Everything that is not good for our health is eliminated through urine and feces.

A unhealthy diet will not necessarily accumulate toxins in our body. What happens is that the metabolism will try to process everything (and will continue to eliminate toxins), but the result is that we will have more fat circulating in our body, and then we will run the risk of acquiring cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. On the other hand, a single food, by itself, however beneficial it may be, will not be responsible for the elimination of toxins.

What will help keep our bodies—and especially our livers—functioning well is no mystery. It is a set of measures: balanced diet, physical exercises, moderation in the intake of alcoholic beverages and other good habits of life.

Not that we should abandon so-called “detox” foods, as they are healthy and rich in important nutrients for our health. Here we list some liver-friendly foods that you should include in your diet to help this important but badly treated organ function properly.

Liver problems: know the foods that help detox and fight fat
Copyright : thodonal


First, water. It is not a food, but it is essential to help eliminate toxins from the body. Always try to have a bottle of water on hand. Ideally, drink a minimum of two liters of water daily. Try to avoid industrialized or sugar-filled drinks. They tax both the liver and the kidneys.


As the saying goes in English: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. The apple is a somewhat underestimated fruit, but it is thanks to its antioxidants, in particular phlorizin (a flavonoid that is only found in this fruit) that the liver is protected against free radicals.

In addition, it is rich in soluble fiber, especially pectin, which helps to reduce cholesterol levels and facilitates the digestion of fats. It is as if the fiber "grabs" the fat cells and takes them out of the body, preventing their accumulation in the liver.

Green tea

Green tea is rich in catechins (phytonutrients from the polyphenol family that contain strong antioxidant action). Catechins help to stimulate lipid metabolism in the liver, but should not be consumed in excess, as high concentrations can induce liver damage.


Propolis is rich in bioflavonoids, compounds with antioxidant action associated with an improvement in liver function. Studies that have been carried out for more than three decades suggest that the substance artepelin C, present in propolis, helps to fight tumor cells in the liver.

Liver problems: know the foods that help detox and fight fat
Andy M. image by Pixabay


Bromelain, an enzyme found in the stem and juice of this fruit, aids digestion. According to nutritionist Mariana Thomaz, from Hospital Paulistano, pineapple helps to unclog the liver from the accumulation of fats and toxins. Combining it with mint potentiates the effects on the liver, according to the expert.


Ginger is a tuberous root with multiple benefits. Considered a potent liver tonic, it helps to secrete bile, which makes the digestion of fats more efficient and keeps the liver from being overworked.


Beetroot is rich in betalain, a substance that gives this root a reddish color. With antioxidant action, it plays an important role in liver cell regeneration.


Also known as turmeric, this root is capable of repairing liver tissue damaged by toxins.


Cabbage is one of the champion vegetables in the composition of detox juices. Like dark green leafy vegetables, it stimulates the production of bile. In addition to being rich in fiber, it also contains an antioxidant enzyme called glutathione, which acts as an anti-inflammatory and natural blood purifier (also helping to clear the blood pathways to the liver).

Liver problems: know the foods that help detox and fight fat
Copyright : Phonlawat Chaicheevinlikit


Rich in good fats, which balance cholesterol levels in the body, avocados also contain nutrients that help the liver produce glutathione.

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These are some of the many foods that help maintain your health through the proper functioning of the liver. To complete, adopt a healthy lifestyle, combining these foods with regular physical activity. Also, try to sleep well, have balanced attitudes and stay away from stress. Respect your organism, after all your body is your temple.

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