live life live

    live life live

    Living life lives. She wrote the title and wondered what it meant. Living life lives. She liked to start with the titles, but not always the rest of the text was composed immediately.

    He stood there, looking at them: see – i, see – a, see – and. Living life lives. The phrase like a wind blowing in an empty head. Living life lives. A noun, an adjective and a verb preceded by a definite article. Defined? It bothered him. Maybe it would be better if I used an indefinite article. a living life lives. It bothered him too. One or the? If it were a, it would look like a definitive sentence, an abstraction. Life like all lives.

    That wasn't what I meant by living alive. However, if it were to remain A Living Life Lives, it would give the impression that only that life, that one, lives, and no other lives. Would it be this? The eyes looked, the questions asked, but the head, even more empty, was only windy. And the wind was blowing, see, vis, vas. A life, life. Perhaps more important than the noun preceded by its article, were the adjective and the verb: viva vive. Viva could get an exclamation point and it would make all the difference: Live! She was starting to get delirious. It was always like that, when writing stopped, the delirium intensified.

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    Delirious between vas, sees, vis. After all, what did she really mean? ______ silence. He took a little more deep breath and turned back to the title: Living Life Lives. I would leave the definite article, I didn't have the strength to indefinitely. Sometimes she thought it was more difficult to define than to simply define. Here's the title: Living life lives. The wind blew once more, taking away the last thoughts, you see… What was it that I wanted to say in the chronicle that I would write with that title? The empty head echoed: Living life lives.

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