Live in your here and now!

    Much is said about the Power of Now; how much the practice of staying in the present moment can benefit us. It may seem strange to talk about living in the now, but the point is that our mind, for most of our day, either pulls us into the past or takes us into the future. In the vast majority of our time, we get involved with our problems and / or with a certain issue and do not give due attention to our present moment.

    Yes, when our thinking is about what we should do, what we did or what others did or didn't do, we fail to give due attention to what we are actually doing in the now. It's not that we shouldn't think or reflect on our questions and our challenges. Of course I do. However, we should not spend 24 hours of our day just thinking about our conflicts. And you may ask, β€œWhy not?”. Simple. If you spend all day thinking about a particular problem, the chance of finding a solution will be minimal and you will be at risk of becoming more demotivated, stressed or anxious.

    Live in your here and now!
    mimchs / Getty Images / Canva

    Anxiety, for example, is closely linked to thoughts of worry about the future. Demotivation meets the past and prevents you from taking the next step. And stress presses you with the past and future together, so to speak. On the other hand, when you are centered in the present moment, you and your energy are equally centered, allowing you to act at a much better potential in every way.

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    Take time, 10 minutes or half an hour, to think about your challenges and then dedicate yourself to living in the present moment. Live in your Here and Now. Live at your center, at your fullest potential! And believe me: the moment you disconnect from worries, productive ideas can arrive. Unthought-out solutions can arise, be sure of it! And then yes, you will understand the Power of your Here and Now!

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