Limitations and potentialities: you are the one who chooses, whether you know it or not

We all have at least half a dozen priority events that we would like to change in our lives: maybe getting regular exercise, kicking an addiction, working at what we love and earning a living, taking the dream trip, being more patient and less stressed. or curing a depression… But why does it seem so difficult for us to start making the changes or events necessary – and sustaining them – to achieve what we want?

According to studies on the functioning of the subconscious combined with the knowledge of Quantum Science, and which the PSYCH-K® uses, our system is often guided by resistance conditions imposed unconsciously by the contents of the sub x the conscious wills and attitudes.

That is, you want this and that, dream of this and that. He makes some very committed and invested movements to achieve his goals, but, we could say that everything tends to be a lot of sacrifice and often the “thing” or the person “does not move”. As PSYCH-K® author Robert M. Williams says, "It's like having one foot on the brake and one foot on the gas."

This statement contextualizes the difficulty that permeates above all changes in harmful habits and is endorsed by biologist and PhD., Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, author, among several books, of The Biology of Belief (2005). Lipton says in this book: “When it comes to neurological processing skill, the subconscious mind is millions of times stronger than the conscious mind. If the desires of the conscious mind conflict with the subconscious programs, which side do you believe will win?” (p. 151).

Considering that everything is energetic manifestation, from the chair you are sitting on and the contents of experiences stored in your sub, each will therefore emit vibrational frequencies that are “energetic signatures”, and therefore information. And they not only interact with other fields of information but also significantly affect them, composing or creating our reality.

“But what does that have to do with my difficulties in life?”


These contents full of limiting information (or not) that are in your subconscious, stored by experiences, including those of your ancestors, emit vibrations that will promote the attraction or limitation of the appropriate conditions for you to achieve what you want in life. Because, to put it simply, what happens is that you, with your contents, emit a vibrational field that interacts not only with the surroundings, but with other fields of information miles and miles away. Contents are information. Information, energy. Energy vibrates. Energy is information.

“So I inherit what my ancestors learned or had from experiences?”

Yes, it can inherit and manifest both potentialities and conflicts without resolution. (By the way, humanity is in us). And the sensational part of these times is that our consciential advancement, our new vibration, allied to the internal and external tools that release the "obstacles" and help in the manifestation of our potential (like the PSYCH-K® - love it!), change the fatalism of Charles Darwin's Evolutionary Theory. This theory that emphasizes the competitive nature of living beings, among others, especially the dogma that genes control life.

Therefore, we can transform the vibrational patterns of the possible painful experiences experienced in the members of previous generations (and the whole set of perceptions from that) and, consequently, lead us to the possibilities of changing the many repetitive patterns of limiting experiences.

Limitations and potentialities: you are the one who chooses, whether you know it or not

“Um, I think I get it. But how do I know what might be limiting my potential?”

Your beliefs.
What do you believe you can and what cannot?

In the PSYCH-K® method, we discover what these beliefs are by performing muscle testing, a part of Kinesiology knowledge, with the aim of of inquiry at the level behavioral-psychological and non-physical, as occurs, for example, in the area of ​​physiotherapeutic knowledge. Then, we communicate with the subconscious and verify the limiting belief through muscle testing (muscles in communication with the sub) and then, we apply the procedures that are called Balances and Processes, selected according to your Superconsciousness and for your greater good. . You may be thinking, “Wow! That doesn't exist!” Yes there is! LOL.

“I still don’t understand this muscle test…”

I explain. But before anything else, keep in mind that our physical body is extension of our soul, of our Consciousness (no less than that). Receive this concept without fragmenting, excluding or alienating the parts. The parts make up the whole. Look at the whole with your innate wisdom!

Come on.
The test is the tool that leads us to what may be limiting the person's potential, that is, the conflict between the subconscious vs. obstacles to the changes we want to make.

What I will explain here is not the entire protocol to be carried out, but part of it for the purpose of contextualization.

The PSYCH-K® facilitator stands in front of and to one side of the session partner, who holds one of his arms extended at the side of the body (and parallel to the floor). One of the facilitator's hands is on the shoulder and the other is on the client's wrist.

The client must remain looking at the floor and with his nose forward, while the facilitator asks the subject to say the desired statement to be transformed or just his name, in order to verify the veracity of the information. For example: “My name is Vitória” or “I can and deserve to get what I want in life”. We say “stay strong” and put light pressure on the wrists to try to lower the client's arm.

If the client cannot sustain the arm when the arm is pressed, this indicates that the sub recognizes the information stored in it as false or stressful. It is active in relation to the said content (the tested statement), thus needing to go through some PSYCH-K® Balance or Process (and which one will also be verified in the protocol sequence).

During the test, when the person states something that the sub does not recognize as true, the signal or energy pulse reaching the muscle is not strong enough to sustain the outstretched arm. Therefore, if there is any conflict at the subconscious level, the musculature will yield to the slight pressure exerted.

A little more about your subconscious

It is like a hard disk where everything we learn is recorded or programmed through information of all kinds (including television conditioning), family and school education, life experiences in general, that is, everything, each event with “x ” impact. That's his role. What you put there, it stores. Only that. He does not have the intelligence of discernment to make choices, and the time identified by him is only the eternal now. According to its contents, it reacts to external stimuli when in contact with them, which could be a simple intention coming from across the room from someone you've never heard of...

And the conscious mind...

It is with it that we practice our free will: we make choices, think, discern, conceptualize and deal with abstract events, such as feelings, emotions… The list is long.

And a proposal to PSYCH-K®

The method encourages the flowering of the client's own power, helping him to develop and manifest an acknowledgment of his wisdom. One of the principles is to provide conditions for the client to develop recognition of their self-mastery. This posture elevates the person before us to a level of human nobility, considering that he has everything he needs to carry out his positive transformation. And what I have observed is that the benefits that manifest are always in accordance with the internal processes of each one, especially the spiritual one.

Another aspect to consider: we facilitate, but we do not determine for the client what he has to change or transform, that is, the changes to be reprogrammed in his subconscious, and he does not choose which protocol will be carried out either. Here we find a differential of many methods: through the sub, we consult the Superconsciousness (the Divine Self of the person). This step we call Permission and Commitment, which allows us to ascertain whether the desired change is appropriate for that moment, as well as to discover the indication of the ideal protocol to be applied in order to transform a limiting situation or habit (PSYCH-K® offers several tools to carry out the reprogramming and we want to know which is the best one for each situation).

“… How much!”

Yup. And there's always more, lol.

Finally, I share a very enlightening video on how beliefs can be formed and carried forward in a group, whether in the family, in the community, in society, in educational institutions, in short, in all spheres of our lives. Enjoy!

A hug and see you next!

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