life's uncertainties

    Wherever in the world we may be, we will have moments of uncertainty and the variables are the most diverse. Every second of this dynamic and unpredictable life, we are overwhelmed with unexpected facts and things. No one escapes or escapes from these events, which for many are “destiny”.

    There is no destination! Yes, there are proofs and expiations to be fulfilled. Even carrying out our wishes, we are often surprised by facts that are totally adverse to what we intended and many call these occurrences “destiny”. With this reasoning, everything would already be traced and nothing would be changed…

    life's uncertainties


    In fact, many events in our lives independent of our will, since we bring within the scope of the spirit past files that are not in our consciousness, but we must give an account of the mistakes made.

    In this way, attitudes in other existences are projected in our daily lives, and it is up to us to accept with resignation everything that is impossible to change. Doesn't mean we settle down! Life has its own dynamics and we should not drown in whining and suffering… Faith, optimism and perseverance are pillars of support for our spiritual growth.

    On the other hand, events occur in which we have the ability to alter the course of our life history. This will depend on our discernment and ability to overcome. Following new paths can be an alternative not as an escape from the problem, but we would say as an adequate solution for the different situations that afflict us.

    But this is not always possible, both because of our incapacity to face the challenges and because we are dealing with things that we do not deserve to be modified, but rather, experiencing the test that we ourselves chose in reincarnation planning.

    Everything will depend on our logical, dispassionate and uncomplaining reasoning. It is at this time that courage, patience and resignation are put to the test. Such experiences that motivate us to continue in life serve as a structural basis for reaching our perfection, which requires time and acceptance of the facts.


    life's uncertainties

    In the book “Bezerra, Chico e Você”, psychography by Chico Xavier, Chapter: Pedras da Vida, it says: “(…) Let us forgive the stones of life for the gold of experience and light they offer us. And, above all, let us arm ourselves with courage for work, because it is in the pain of the present that we correct the struggles of yesterday, lighting a blessed light for our great future.” (Walking is necessary, winning is the goal).

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