Life is a torment for the one who doesn't change

How sad it is to find people who have given up on themselves and who show a total lack of interest in life, for changes, as if they were waiting for the seven o'clock train, the last one in the sertรฃo as the song says, that is, prepared to die. Many do not know that they have already died. They do not realize that they are undead, living like real zombies, as they have renounced all the prerogatives of strength and power that they bring to conquer anything and have started to live as programmed robots, automatically fulfilling the imperatives of existence without showing any inclination to change reality itself.

Why did we get to this point? This question deserves deep reflection. We are often victimized by our own fears and fear should be considered the only and greatest enemy of man, as it represents all the void that ends up being filled by our sick mind.

Few realize that this enemy will cease to exist through knowledge, because just as knowledge is represented by light, fear represents darkness, that is, man suffers for not knowing the dynamics of existence and mainly for not knowing himself. When he chooses not to develop any intimacy with his own soul, he ends up clinging to rules and concepts created by the oppressive power of traditions. He doesn't realize that he lives in bondage to a program of beliefs and values โ€‹โ€‹that are meant to keep him safe, of course, with the sole intention of controlling him.

Man spends his life making limiting statements such as, โ€œI am weak! I'm incapable! This is not for me! I'm not smart!โ€ And so on. Does he not realize that each such statement has the power to create negative conditionings who conspire against their constructive capacity, do not understand that they are practicing a kind of evolutionary suicide, remaining stagnant in comfort zones that do not bring any benefit to the development and expansion of their own consciousness.

One of the worst decrees used against oneself is the one: "I'm too old for this". How to fight against this model of thinking? It seems impossible. Now, why can't I start something new after I'm 50? Why can't I learn a new instrument, speak a new language, go back to college? Who determined this?

Life is a torment for the one who doesn't changeThere are ready-made truths that we automatically activate without questioning, as if questioning were a transgression of the imposed order, as if we had no alternative but to follow the current protocol, let's face it, this is very sad. Many are reluctant to put on their pajamas, hang up their boots, are always willing to look for something new and this is rejuvenating, as they are at the height of wisdom. Too bad these are rare examples.

Life doesn't look at age, because it will always be proposing challenges, no one is here just to play bingo in the square or dominoes all day.

Even if there is no possibility of changing the outer reality through any personal endeavor, it is always possible to change yourself and that should be the goal of each one.

Life is a torment for those who don'tthighs, because he lives looking for culprits for his pain, wears the clothes of a victim and exudes corrosive feelings against former enemies, those whom he elected as responsible for his emotional misery.

Value your limits and you will certainly never get rid of them.

โ€“ Richard Bach

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