Life beyond Life – Kindred Souls

    The question of the search for the person we are going to share our life with on this Planet is much more complex than we imagine. Some say: β€œWhere is my soul mate?”, others: β€œI want to find my better half!” and others say they were born to be alone, because relationships don't work out, they don't get past the dating or dating phase.

    In many cases, in fact, there are β€œkindred souls” who resemble magnets, who are attracted by an inexplicable compulsion for those who do not understand.

    The particularity of relationships begins, normally, even before birth, that is, when we are there in the spiritual plane, in the phase in which we prepare together with the benefactors some occurrences here on Earth, using our free will. Among the plans is included who are we going to find to share life together, but it can also happen that in our programming it is necessary to go through here alone.

    Life beyond Life – Kindred Souls

    As this life we ​​are experiencing is related to past lives, we are compelled to approach several people, whose relationships may or may not work out, whose motives are the most diverse, because perhaps, in another existence, we have violated the She Divine and, as a ransom, we have to live without a partnership.

    But on the other hand, we have those relationships that are shaped by circumstances we can't even imagine. No matter the distance, the place and the city where the kindred soul may be, the spiritual benefactors will arrange for the reunion to take place. People who must meet will be compelled to cross paths and will certainly recognize each other, for it is the spirit that loves, not the body.

    It is logical that the material body plays a role in the attraction of these souls, as desire is necessary for passion to erupt, the desire to be together, but this desire will give rise to a sublime love, as the spirit will take the reins of the relationship, leaving passion and physical attraction as a secondary feeling.

    Sometimes, temporary relationships can happen, similar to those that happen in adolescence, because at this time the spirit is in a very intense search to find the other person and, due to the lack of clarification about love, it can be carried away by a momentary passion, but as soon as it recognizes that it is not the intended partnership, the feeling fades and the search will continue.

    Life beyond Life – Kindred Souls

    More in spite of being a determinism the encounter with the affine soul, we can, using the free will, not wanting to live with the person who would be in our planning, but this will not be an obstacle for us to follow another path and this other relationship can certainly work out.

    On one occasion, a woman asked Chico if the person she was living with was the right one. With the humor and wisdom that were peculiar to him, Chico said: β€œLook, my friend, if it's not the right one, it's not very wrong!”.

    The important thing is to seek happiness, whether accompanied or alone.

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