Life beyond Life – Kindred

    We are people with very diverse concepts, although some do not even emit their own concept, as they are like β€œmaria goes with the others”, but, in any case, we always have to demonstrate behaviors and one of them is related to the relationship.

    Many maintain a close relationship with their relatives, looking for them, visiting them regularly, there are even families that have the habit of meeting weekly for lunch, and today, with the ease of communication, they exchange messages several times a day.

    On the other hand, there are family members who rarely see each other, do not try to maintain a bond and meet rarely, sometimes once a year, on birthdays or end-of-year parties.

    Sometimes, it is better to have a certain distance so that the relationship, although minimal, is preserved, as many relatives, due to opposing ideas, get sick.

    On one occasion, Jesus was in the midst of meetings that were peculiar to him, and β€œthere came his brothers and his mother; and being outside, they sent for him. And the multitude sat around him, and they said to him, Behold, your mother and your brothers are looking for you, and they are outside. And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother and my brother? And looking around at those who were sitting by him, he said: Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of God is my brother, and my sister, and my mother.”

    Life beyond Life – Kindred

    This fact makes us reflect that we have not only the kinship that we meet and talk systematically, or the one that little is kept in contact, even if there is a first degree affinity, whose kinship we call terrestrial. It forms here on Earth and lasts a certain time with affinity.

    But we also have spiritual kinship, which we already had ties in other lives and we still continue to have close ties due to common goals to achieve. This kinship, yes, lasts much longer and transcends this existence.

    This explains animosities often between family members, who, having already completed their goals with each other here, feel the need to detach themselves and each one follows a different path, and sometimes they don't even see each other anymore.

    Often, in the family, someone is born who does not have a relationship with the environment, but is placed in socializing because there are skills that allow him, reincarnated, to succeed in his goals. It would be, as they say, a test for the binding parties.

    Therefore, it is important to expand love with all relatives, even if contact is rare, because we do not know if they are just earthly, spiritual kin, or perhaps both.

    You may also like another article by this author. Access: Life Beyond Life – Educators in Time

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