Life After Life – November 2

Sad period that we are going through this week. Sadder still because we can't help but happen. I'm referring to the day November 2nd, occasion when we remember a little more of the dear people who left us by the death of the physical body.

In general, we are a bit selfish, as we would like there to be no such separation, since the love felt remains even beyond the grave, but also wanting someone to always stay with us is to deprive them of evolving through successive lives.

Life After Life – November 2

 for God created his children for eternity. We are spirits in a body of flesh and this gives us the certainty that this love we feel is reciprocal and continues.

We must not remember our loved ones as if they had been execrated from our company. They live with us in a communion of thoughts and certainly longing is a pain that, in this case, hurts on both planes.

Jesus himself said that it is necessary to be born again. If He referred to being born again, it is because we went through the death of the physical body before, because he spoke this to those who were alive at the time, referring that the spirit/soul does not die, but only the dense body.

Imagine the sadness of those who are gone if we think that they have disappeared forever.

Life After Life – November 2

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By no means should we do so, we will certainly meet again at a different time and in another future time. And it's good that this new contact is for love, because we will be happy, since many will start to live together to continue trimming the edges of the relationships that were left unresolved.

It is important that, throughout this week that we dedicate to the so-called "dead", let us take a moment of meditation to enter into communion with the Messengers of Jesus, asking them to take our affection in the form of rose petals to those who are gone, either to those we love or even to whom we didn't appreciate much, as this is of paramount importance in the relationship between the two planes.

Life After Life – November 2

It is not necessary to visit the tombs, because what really counts is the thought, since in the graves there is nothing else, but those who still feel the need to go to the cemeteries, do so with respect and always trying to remember the good times of conviviality, as this energy will certainly be delivered in spirituality to the connected in thought and, who knows, if there is permission and the loved one he wants, he will appear there to observe the homage that is offered to him, because life goes on.

Let us always cry the longing that is beneficial to them, but never the lack, because it saddens them.

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