Lie detector

    Lie detector

    We see in movies and also in the news that people who are involved in crimes of a certain complexity are subjected to lie detectors. According to science, it is possible to know by this means whether or not an individual is telling the truth, through the reaction he presents, although there have already been comments that some subjects managed to deceive the device. I don't know if it does.

    Such equipment is intended to be a complement to the whole of evidence in an investigative piece.

    On one occasion, in the spiritual plane, it was commented by a mentor that some equipment, statues and art paintings are not the originals that exist on Earth, but inspired copies of what already existed in the spiritual plane. That's interesting!

    There, we will come across the equipment called a psychoscope, which, as stated in the book "Studying Mediumship", psychography by Chico Xavier, is a device intended for the auscultation of the soul, with the power to define the vibrations and with the ability to effect various observations on the subject, without the need for accurate mental concentration. The tiny object here on Earth would weigh no more than a few grams.

    He added the benefactor who hopes he will later be among men. It works on the basis of electricity and magnetism, using radiant elements, essentially analogous to gamma rays. It consists of study glasses, with resources available for microphotography. If the spectroscope allows man to investigate the nature of chemical elements, located at enormous distances, through the light wave they throw from themselves, we will much more easily identify the values ​​of human individuality by the rays that the device emits, added the benefactor.

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    Morality, feeling, education, and character are clearly discernible through slight inspection. It is now known on Earth that a gram of radium loses half its weight in sixteen centuries and that a cyclotron, working with atomic projectiles accelerated to millions of electron volts, carries out the transmutation of chemical elements, he immediately concluded. .

    Effectively, they are technical concepts that the layman does not understand, but we can be sure that the number of devices we have here on the plane of the incarnate is a copy of those that exist in the spiritual plane and that there are more sophisticated and with much greater technology. Therefore, as we evolve, we will develop technologies of great expression and certainly the lie detector used today will have a quality leap, even because the criminals are technologically trying more improved means to consummate their crimes.

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