letting go of the past

    The past is part of our history. It is thanks to him that we can tell someone about our life. How was our childhood, our adolescence, or things we've been through and miss - or not so much.

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    But that's it, the past has already happened. Although he is part of us, we have to move on. It's not healthy to live in nostalgia, wanting to be in another time than now. Just as it is not good to bring past traumatic events and carry them with an eternal weight. You don't have to go through this. Carry only what is necessary, and let go of the past every day you live.

    letting go of the past

    The past cannot be a prison

    We are built from the past, we have history, baggage. But our past does not define us. We acquire wisdom, we learn lessons from our past mistakes.

    If you didn't receive affection in the past, it's quite possible that today you don't feel worthy of affection. If you have been reprimanded for some failure, it is likely that you currently doubt your abilities. But you can't let the shackles of the past keep you. Learn to look inside yourself and free yourself from these traumas. If necessary, seek help.

    We cannot go back in time to fix our mistakes, much less to relive a good time. Then you choose: either absorb this experience and move on, letting go of the past, or get stuck, paralyzed by something that can no longer reach you.

    letting go of the past

    we are in the now

    We have to keep in mind that we are always in the now. Five seconds is already past. The future has not yet come, the past has already happened. We need to be aware that there is only one moment to be lived: the now. Enjoy the moment you live, love people. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that happiness is in a time you can no longer reach. If your mind doesn't let go of this idea, you plunge into a sea of โ€‹โ€‹frustrations and sadness, forgetting the wonders you have to experience in the present.

    Some things have no explanation

    You know that meme "Accept it, it hurts less"? It fits perfectly here. There are things that simply cannot be explained and that we cannot change. Sometimes we get stuck in past situations trying to look for a why, but it just isn't worth it. Life goes on: you don't have all the solutions or explanations.

    letting go of the past

    stop brooding

    Have you ever found yourself in that situation where you just walked out of an argument with the impression that you didn't say what you wished you had said? After a while, you find yourself mulling over: โ€œOh, what if I had said that?โ€, and then you keep building several possible stories for an event that will not happen again, recreating dialogues, answers, hypotheses. Even the other's reaction you end up recreating in your mind. This only serves to create more stress and frustration. Is the discussion over? Put a full stop and move on. If I have to argue again (or just talk, after tempers have calmed down), it's a new situation.


    To forgive is to let go. It's not about forgetting, but about not reliving what caused you pain. Forgive not only others, but also yourself, your faults and imperfections, your choices (which may not have brought a desired result).

    You are another person, living in other times, you have acquired maturity, learned from mistakes and will try not to make them again. But you don't cover so much, because other mistakes will certainly come, and that's what we're made of: mistakes + successes = learning. Let go of guilt, let go of trauma. You're not perfect, and that's what the fun of life is!

    letting go of the past

    cultivate gratitude

    Be grateful always. Appreciate what you have today and what you have learned and learned in the past. When we are grateful, we fill our hearts with good energies and hope. Our mind settles down, our feelings settle down. When we are grateful even for the bad things, our mind lets go of any negative feelings. That's what wisdom feeds on.

    live and be proud

    Live each moment with joy and love. Be proud of the person you've become, for the good things and the not-so-good ones. Everything counts.

    Our experience encourages us to evolve as people and also to help others, even to facilitate their journey in this world. Think about the possibility of using your experiences (even bad ones) to help someone seeking advice, whether warning or pointing out the best way forward.

    All we need to do is just live. And we can only do that by letting go of the past. Life is very good, the time is now and it needs to be valued, preferably close to the people we love and who make us happy!

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