Let's talk about sex? My experience with tantric sex

    That having sex is wonderful, is good for our health and is essential for us to live harmoniously, no one denies it – however, not all people enjoy having sex – and this may be due to not so pleasant experiences or the absence of experience – which is comprehensive and needs to be discussed and understood in a positive way so that we can contribute so that other people can also have a positive outlook on sex and experience deeply energies beyond the physical.

    It is also nothing new that sex - unfortunately - is still considered a taboo within our society, when it is not treated in a pejorative way and contrary to how it should be evidenced. It is not uncommon to notice that some people suffer from some sexual disorders, resulting from every lie that we are taught in reference to sex.

    Nobody teaches us to seek knowledge about our own body, on the contrary, they judge us. Have you noticed? Nobody is going to tell us that it's okay to masturbate, that it brings us (self) knowledge and that it's an excellent tool to be shared with others within four walls. They prefer to censor that we came from sex and it is essential that we have sex, without forcing the bar. Without this absurd scandal that is considered normal. No taboo. No disgust. Unprejudiced.

    It is essential that we demystify our fears, our oppressed desires, our taboos and our blindness towards sex. Let's talk more about sex. May we have more sex with wisdom and prevention. That we seek to understand, in fact, what it is that motivates us to have sex. Sex has to be done with joy, not with the feeling of escape.

    Let's talk about sex? My experience with tantric sex

    We absolutely must not encourage people to grow up with a totally wrong view of sex. I, for example, always had a totally open mind and a great opportunity to experience great sexual experiences that went beyond what the physicist can explain – a true dance immersion between two bodies intertwined, totally surrendered, raw and present.

    As mentioned earlier, I have always been open-minded and allowed myself to go beyond and experience tantric massage – and I can later share my experience here at the ESF. But for now, I'm going to share about tantric sex – about six years ago. And I decided a few years ago to try tantric sex.

    I understand that every experience is valid and essential in our life – and when it comes to self-knowledge, even more so. It is essential that we seek to demystify our concepts and improve alternative means of evolving, learning and sharing through dialogue, with consent and freedom with others within a relationship – whatever it may be.

    Please allow me to share my experience with tantric sex, and I'm happy to discuss tantra if anyone has any questions.

    It is important to mention that tantra is not sex – it is far beyond. It's being present. Delivered. Calm. In tune with us first, then with the next one. It's eye to eye. It's exhaling the air, while the other inhales. It's sweetness. It's getting into an intense rhythm. It is to delve into every millimeter of the other's body. It's feeling/deepening the touch. It's way beyond the genitals. It's hugging. It's playing among tantric caresses without the slightest shame of being what you want to be behind four walls. It's not feeling in a hurry to enjoy. It's letting go of the fears that surround our head. It's being raw. Delivered. It is an awakening of feelings that permeate through our bodies in an intertwined rhythm far beyond the physical. It is a dance between souls connected and unconcerned with the problems that pass away from intimacy between the four walls. It's meditate. It's filtering. It is absolute bliss beyond consciousness.

    This is what I felt when I had tantric sex – it is obvious that, at first, the feeling that occurred to me was that I was in a meditative temple, but not as meditative as usual. The place was nice, with indirect lighting. Cinnamon scent. Mantras chanting in the background. Cushions spread out between the four corners and a mattress – I won't deny the intimate atmosphere that happened too.

    I remember arriving five minutes early, as usual. I arrived at my destination, I was well taken care of. I took off my shoes, positioned them in the left corner. From a distance, I have already smelled cinnamon and other incense. I felt at home. I followed the coordinate towards the intimate air. I lay down on the mattress, closed my eyes, meditated, stood with my arms fully extended and looked forward to what would await me from then on. I didn't have as much blockage because I had the experience with my ex and I had already talked about tantra before – since I had experience with tantric massage. So, it wasn't difficult at all.

    Let's talk about sex? My experience with tantric sex

     I went beyond my consciousness. Cry. Smile. I sang. I was immersed in thoughts, spasms, orgasms and a deep meditative state. I remember that my ex and I talked about various non-pertinent and sex-relevant topics. It was a really crazy immersion.

    I had the feeling that I was in another dimension – following the whole ritual of tantra. I won't be able to detail the wonderful feeling that tantra can bring us, especially within a relationship - but I will share my experience and my suffering about it. It is essential to open your mind and live the experience, seriously!

    After the massage experience, I had the opportunity to experience the tantric spin with my ex. It's amazing how much we forget about each other during sex, have you noticed? During the relationship and even casually – in a society as crazy as ours – we turn sex into a robotic and automatic mechanism. Who hasn't done that? Let him cast the first stone!

    It's funny how over time sex gets boring – and we human beings forget about each other during sex. It's strange our selfishness in prioritizing only our pleasure and looking for sex as an escape valve. Something without the slightest understanding of why we are doing it – always being our focus on doing it fast and be damned. It's funny how scattered we get worried about life out there and avoid eye contact during sex together. We overlook the smallest details. We become a sexual sameness.

    I really enjoyed the tantric spin for bringing us back to the center – be present with each other. We exchange simultaneous meditations. Let's look at each other. Touching each other – all together, and not just the genitals – the anatomy is so perfect and our body is all erogenous. Feel the vibration in tune and far beyond the physical – vibrate simultaneously. Synchronize all our chakras intensely and wow!

    It is an expansion of consciousness, it is (self) knowledge in the form of a dance that is intimately intertwined in a perfect rhythm through our emitted sounds. Contemplation. Feeling. Caress yourself without haste and feel the freedom to allow yourself to experience different feelings. It's being light. Prioritize the other. Forget about the world. Prioritize the entire ritual. It's reconnecting. And go to other sexual constellations besides the physical one. It's allowing yourself to relax intensely, experience involuntary spasms and multiple orgasms – being in tune throughout the moment. Tantric sex is worth trying at least once – go for me. Our conception of sex transforms. Modify.

    It is an immense gratitude once again to be present here and to share with you another experience of mine. I understand that there are limitations for some people when it comes to sex – as a result of not-so-pleasant experiences, but my tip is: allow yourself. Experience tantra. Be there when you're with someone – and not just for sex. Explore the whole body of you and the other. Massage in any way you think is cool and that brings (self) knowledge between you. Create rituals. Allow yourself to connect with each other and enter an immersion of ecstasy beyond what the world is capable of mentioning. Don't make sex a sameness, but an opportunity for a journey of self (knowledge) for both.

    Let's raise the flag on the importance of having sex with conscience, dialogue, freedom and safety. Let's demystify the misconceptions and experiment far beyond what we are allowed. Let's live and bring tantra to life.

    With all my heart and gratitude, a hug to each one.

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