Learn what it's like to have numerology as a guide for your life

Like Astrology, Numerology is an orientation and direction tool used for thousands of years. And those who think that these instruments of self-knowledge are only used to know the energy of the day are wrong.

The human being is free to choose which knowledge will guide his life, namely, for example, the sacred books of some religions, such as the Bible, the Koran and the Torah. Each one is considered a map or a path to be followed and is available to everyone.

And what makes Astrology and Numerology different from religious books?

These books bring the same message to everyone, while Astrology and Numerology bring a different message to each person, that is, they use data such as name and date of birth and translate these data, enhancing the best in the person and the that can be improved.

Learn what it's like to have numerology as a guide for your life
Neirfy / Canva

Here is the secret of the so-called esoteric tools! We are all one, but each with its uniqueness, which makes us better and better.

Having Numerology as a practical guide for everyday life is like having your mine map, full of gold and precious stones, which are life experiences. Numerology is a study of the influence of numbers on life, and its starting point (genesis) is the person's name and date of birth. Through these data, it is possible to qualify or, better saying, to give meaning to the numbers that refer to the person.

Want an example?

When a person dreams of having their own business and discovers in Numerology that they bring the numbers that give a positive indication to make that dream come true, how do you think that person feels? Accomplished and determined to move forward with the dream. Do you agree with me?

Learn what it's like to have numerology as a guide for your life
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Another example: the person is experiencing difficult situations, many unforeseen events and problems that seem to have no end, and discovers in Numerology that they are experiencing the personal year of vibration 9 - year of cleaning and the end of cycles. How do you think she would feel? Determined to resolve all matters within this personal year. Do you agree with me?

Now imagine knowing all the numbers that influence you? Just so you know, a complete Numerology map features +15 numbers and +30 personal profile analyses. Nice, isn't it?

This is the particularity that makes Numerology a wonderful tool for self-knowledge and direction, which respects the person you are and the moment of life you are in, which shows the strengths and weaknesses that must be overcome and that still helps in everyday life. of life.

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Want to know more about how Numerology can help you?

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