learn to let go

Don't do anything, don't want anything, don't expect anything and don't charge anything. Abandon all desires and you will be free. That's right, everything that imprisons you is related to what you value and want. Review your values ​​and realize the size of the trap you got yourself into. It is necessary that you become disinterested in everything, that you renounce your own dreams, that you develop a deep detachment, only then will you be free. You have to stop doing what you've always done, that's not the way to go, if you continue like that you'll just stay in the same condition you are in now, or maybe it will get worse.

Don't worry about what happens, let it happen, because there will be no freedom as long as you are dependent on events or as long as your mind is projected into the future creating yearnings and worries. Get out of control, let go of what you insist on holding, let go, don't try to drive anything, just watch. You are a witness, nothing more.

As Nisargadatta Maharaj teaches, the film is projected onto you, as if you were a screen. You already existed before and will continue to exist after the end of this plot. The movie script doesn't matter, there may be fire going on, it doesn't matter, the screen won't burn; may have sinking, but the screen will not also not get wet. You are the screen, you were never the movie, you were never the protagonist or supporting player of any plot, that was never you, just a character with whom you ended up creating an identification.

learn to let go

You are the spectator, your place is in the armchair, you have never been an actor. True action is non-action, that is, acceptance. “Ah, but this is complacency!”. Think how you want and keep suffering, the Universe is not at all concerned with your 'certainties'.

Don't fight with the script, don't run away from the battlefield you are being compelled to be on, face everything, with faith and humility, be sure, the victory will be yours. Leave life in charge, let your shadow speak, listen to all the protests that come from within your own being and surrender, you cannot win this battle, true power is in surrender. Don't be a fool like Don Quixote who fought against windmills, get out of this battlefield, drop your weapons, die! That's right, you need to die.

“Whoever tries to preserve his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life will actually keep it” Luke 17:33.

learn to let go
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It is this illusory life that I am referring to. Don't go committing suicide, try to understand the depth of these words first. There is a false self, inflated with importance, like a Zacchaeus who tried to rise and was forced to come down. This character must not continue to exist.

Your True Self is beautiful, joyful and peaceful. He wants nothing, does nothing, controls nothing, and the entire Universe falls on its knees before him.

Believe me, nothing is more important and powerful than you.

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