Learn to control your mind

Thought has strength, it flies far and very fast, in addition to being contagious. Whoever is at peace with himself spreads the harmony of his thoughts and everyone feels it. People full of toxic feelings spread the negativity of their thoughts to those who are more emotionally fragile.

Though it appears to be abstract, thought is something concrete and we can control it. We need to learn to control the mind, stay alert and push away bad thoughts in order to live fully. Here's how to do it in two steps:

Learn to control your mind

cultivate joy

Learn to see the joy of moments that pass by like the sunset, observe the beauty of flowers, laugh at the pranks of a dog or a kitten and hear fun stories from family and friends. Realizing the importance of these situations, you open your mind to good things and bad things don't have room to grow.

reduce your thoughts

Get rid of the fear that you haven't reached your goals yet. Eliminate the guilt you feel for past mistakes. Reduce your thoughts to feelings like generosity, love and patience.

Controlling the mind is difficult, but it is so worth it. Not being hostage to your thoughts will free you to true existence. Take the reins of your mind and take your life forward.

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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