Learn how to use the Law of Attraction to get everything you want

See how fear of scarcity can drive abundance and prosperity out of your life

I met two people who lost their jobs in 2020 due to corporate spending cuts in the pandemic. They have three characteristics in common: over 40 years of age, a salary of R$ 20 per month and 5 years in the company. The fact, however, of how each one dealt with the dismissal made them take very different paths.

Esmeralda came to me already in depression. She said that she regretted having thrown 5 years of her life away in this company, where she was stagnant (because she was not stimulated to grow), but seduced by the salary. She reaffirmed numerous times that she got lost, that it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to find a new job. She also felt a lot of anger because the dismissal hurt her ego and she didn't accept that she needed to re-qualify herself, evaluate mistakes, to get back to work. When I said, “Calm down, you are abundant and prosperous, you will find a new job and, until then, take improvement courses”, I received a stone. "Abundant??? You are crazy! I got FIRED!” she yelled.

So I asked some questions. Do you have your own house? Yes two. Who is paying the house bills? My husband. Does he have conditions? Yes and he is paying for it all without complaining. What did that money bring you best in the 5 years? I paid off a property and made numerous international trips. I visited New York, several countries in Europe and Australia. Any health problems in the family? Not. Always won well? Yup. I just said: you seem to me to be a very abundant person, you may not be receiving money right now, but you are enjoying it at the hands of your husband. Whoever enjoys is prosperous! She disagreed.

Rosa told me that when she was fired, all she thought about was what she could do. Her ego was bruised, of course, but she decided to take care of it later and take action. The husband would not be able to afford the house alone. He also helped his parents financially. So, she was silent and asked the Universe for a solution. She made numerous calls to former co-workers. She told about the dismissal, without shame, ready to raise her head again. Two months later, still in the pandemic, she got a new job, with an equivalent salary and a less stressful routine than the previous one. Recently, prosperity has also returned to her husband, who has managed to close new deals.

Learn how to use the Law of Attraction to get everything you want
Anna Shvets / Pexels / Canva

Esmeralda has not yet been able to find a job and is undergoing drug treatment for depression. If they had a similar starting point, why did Esmeralda stagnate? The main reason is that she energetically vibrated in scarcity, which is to focus only on what she doesn't have. She took a long time to see and appreciate everything she already had or that she conquered. On the other hand, Rosa believed in her abundance and prosperity, and, before her dismissal, she made a ritual of manifesting a new job, creating how it should be, what salary, what co-workers would be like. That is, she used the Law of Attraction to create the future work that really came to fruition in a short time.

How can you create your dreams?

The Law of Attraction is the most powerful in the Universe and means: “every thought vibrates and radiates a signal that is sent back at the same intensity and energetic frequency.” That is, if you vibrate in fear of scarcity, you receive more scarcity from the Universe. If you vibrate in abundance, you receive more abundance. And this we practice daily. Shortly after I left the corporate world to invest in yoga and therapies, I went to the mall to buy a Father's Day gift. In the window of a store, I saw a wonderful purple skirt at a great price, but I thought better: “I'm not earning anything now, better not spend” and I didn't enter the store. I walked around thinking about the skirt and said to myself: “I'm going to buy it because I'm going to make money again soon and I deserve it”. That same day, three hours after I returned home with the skirt, my first client showed up.

So if you want something you don't already have, feel like you already have it. And the best way to do that is to visualize your dream as a reality in your life. How to do this?

1 piece

Write, in the present tense, what you want in an affirmative and objective sentence. Then describe all the details. If it's a new job, for example, tell your workload, which days of the week you work, how much you earn and what you do with that money. Each day you add more details and visualize it in your mind every morning as if this is already happening. Visualize your happiness, that of your family and what the new job represents.

Learn how to use the Law of Attraction to get everything you want
Yaroslav Shuraev / The Yaroslav Shuraev Collection / Canva

2-) Believe that your wish is a command

First, you have to replace doubt with faith. If you catch yourself saying it's impossible, it's really not going to happen.

Then you have to assess whether you are actually allowing or resisting their request. Here comes the work of thetahealing (technique of energy healing in a meditative process), which investigates the beliefs that are preventing you from achieving a dream, doing mental reprogramming. For example, I worked with a person who had wanted to be promoted for years and it never happened. We identified the beliefs: “I will never be promoted because I am overweight”, “if I am promoted, I will have more responsibilities and they will discover that I am incapable”. Three months after the session, she said she was finally promoted. Remembering that the success of mental reprogramming is almost all hers, that she understood and re-signified it in her mind. The thetahealer therapist is an instrument for people to access their resistances and what they really want.

3-) Receive

People tend to only look at the top of the stairs, not the steps, so they forget to thank you for the little things or everyday miracles. Although you don't realize it, the Universe is always in motion. Nothing is stopped.

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Trust and be grateful. You just need to see the first step now. After you pass through it, the second will appear, and so on. Trust your intuition and take action. To achieve a dream, you also need intention (intent + action). The more you connect in a positive way with life, the stronger your intention will become.

Is that you? Are you allowing or resisting?

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