Laziness and the need for movement

    Today is Leonidas' first day of work, after 30 days of uninterrupted holiday delights.

    As he knew how difficult it would be to wake up, get out of bed and do all the runs that were out of the routine menu in the last few days, he decided to leave everything planned in advance of a weekend. So it hurts less...

    On Sunday, 24 hours before the “big day”, suffering was already eating away at him. So he decided to do a survey on the enjoyment of his vacations, although he already knew that these had been the No. 2 on the “top five” list of the best days of his life.

    Leonidas pointed out everything that he considers important in his life and that he does not have enough time to do on “normal days” of the year.

    The small cucumbers that are usually postponed are still postponed.

    Books begun and unfinished, few were caught on this vacation.

    Laziness and the need for movement

    The people you visited or who booked a special lunch are the same people you usually see even in tight spaces on the agenda, during all the other 11 months of the year.

    On this vacation, he didn't find the love of his life either. Not even kisses on the mouth, to be quite frank.

    Apart from the cell phone alarm off, little has changed.

    The insomnia continued. The tight budget continued. The ones are the same. The heart is still lacking...

    Even the successful fact of taking fewer buses during the holidays failed. And Leo still paid the price of feeling sick due to the heat and the excess of people inside the bus.

    So he decided to list the people he met, the movies he watched, the books he read, and anything else he considered important. She even created a new category: “What did I do for the first time in the last 30 days?”, since she feels that it's these news that break the routine and make us feel like we're on vacation again.

    Amazingly, Leo did 3 things for the first time:

    1- Participated in a trail to a waterfall;

    2- Left 3 WhatsApp groups in the certainty of doing the right thing;

    3- He watched, kind of unintentionally, a documentary called “The Mask you live in”* and rethought all the wrong upbringing he received and how much social pressure there was for him to become a “real man”. He was moved by the lightness of someone who discovers that having sensitivity does not make him less of a man or an inferior and weak human being.

    Yes, this vacation was the best!

    “Let there be transformation and let it begin with me!”

    – Marilyn Ferguson.


    *”The Mask You Live in” – documentary that addresses the social pressure suffered by boys and the evils it causes in their personalities and actions.

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