Layla Maria – The Saga of a Badly Seen Woman

    Layla Maria just wanted to be seen well. Layla Maria was like every young woman in her twenties, she wanted to be liked and to achieve something better in life. But Layla Maria was not seen as every twenty-something young woman discovering herself in life.

    No, Layla Maria wasn't even seen, not well seen.

    She lived in a small town, at a time when a good woman was a woman in the kitchen. “Okay”, you might think, “but that hasn't changed”, but Layla Maria's time was before ours and everything was even more difficult there, for a young woman who was not well regarded.

    As I said, a good woman was a woman in the kitchen, but Layla Maria hated stoves, and her main recipe was a fried egg and even her fried egg received harsh criticism. “Don't break the yolk”, was what she always heard.

    And in the city Layla Maria was spoken, the girl was so dear with all her life, friendly and communicative. Layla Maria was different, so she was not well regarded.

    The girl squeezed through life to fit the narrow pattern that her dear and traditional father so harshly squeezed her into. But it was no use, Layla wasn't just Maria, and her “misplaced” molds didn't fit the already greased shape of her dear dad.

    And Layla Maria, in her care to please her father, tried, but, poor thing, Layla Maria was not well regarded by her father.

    Layla Maria wanted to be different, but she adjusted to what was expected of her, so that she might be accepted. The girl had her hair up, all tangled up, a black forest full of life. When I let go, it filled up high, falling in well-designed, very beautiful curly locks.

    Layla Maria – The Saga of a Badly Seen Woman
    Alex Green / Pexels

    However, there was a time when Layla Maria started to make them look like the other wicks that women paraded around, she didn't see herself as beautiful anymore. But her curly hair was not well regarded, so Layla Maria adapted.

    Layla Maria had a shapely face. High, well-shaped cheekbones, full, sensual lips, almond-shaped eyes as dark as obsidian, but the nose and skin didn't suit people who preferred something, shall we say, softer. So Layla Maria had low self-esteem, however not because she thought she was ugly, but just because her beauty was not well regarded.

    Layla Maria had a beautiful body, wide hips, with sinuous curves, but the other women and everyone in town decided that to be beautiful a woman had to be thin and designed like a violin. Layla Maria was far from fat, but her drawing was more like a cello, so one point less for Layla Maria.

    Layla Maria really wanted to be like the actresses she watched on television, but her mother, always being the sensible voice to guide her, told her that a woman like her should find a good husband, give him good children and take good care of the house. As her mother always taught her what is right, she thought it best to listen to Layla Maria.

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    Layla Maria tried and tried, but it was no use, because even if she did everything her skin would still not be well-regarded, because the only well-regarded skin in the city and everywhere in fact was fair skin and from a good family.

    That's how Layla Maria lived day after day, getting by as best she could. But don't give up, Layla Maria, her voice will be heard. At the right time her time comes, and the right time is done now.

    Power to Laylas Marias…

    The story is not over. Wait for Layla Maria's turnaround.

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