“Later I do” is the most said phrase among Procrastinators

Procrastination can be considered something common, present at some point in the decision-making process in people's lives. But if most of the time you are one of those who choose to leave it to solve what you need for later, you are among the 95% of the procrastinating population.

The word comes from Latin and means, pro – forward and castinus – tomorrow.. In other words, roll around, postpone, leave for later. But, it is necessary to emphasize that procrastination is not the same as laziness, which people usually avoid or do not fulfill their tasks, procrastination is having a lot to do and leaving everything to the last moment. Large parts of people who fit into this scenario enjoy the adrenaline rush of urgency to meet deadlines.

But, living on the edge can be harmful to health. Research indicates that most procrastinators live with problems such as stress, low self-esteem and feelings of guilt, mainly due to the fact that they did not anticipate and have to work under pressure to perform certain tasks.

“Later I do” is the most said phrase among Procrastinators

reasons to procrastinate

perfection – Very demanding people tend to leave things for later, both because they believe that the next day they will be more inspired to perform such a task, and because they prefer something more challenging.

fear of failing – This is the leader of the list of procrastinators. People who are insecure about a certain task tend to put it off for fear of not being able to do it.  

self sabotage – Some people do not see themselves as deserving of the success that that activity can bring them, so they invent millions of obstacles that prevent them from doing a good job.

Deadline - In today's times, things happen very fast and you have to have time for everything, work, studies, personal life and what can happen is a "war" between doing what you really want and what you need.

change now

Say no - If you have doubts that you can accomplish something, don't compromise. Saying no in the beginning is better than getting caught up in the delivery and ending up getting hurt.

Solve it now – Don't leave things for tomorrow when you can solve them today. “I'm lazy, this time I should be working”, if you know this need, stop thinking and do it.

Everything has its good side – Even the most boring tasks have their good side, to make the work easier, think about the positive points.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes – Always demand your best, but within what you are capable of accomplishing. Always be aware of your limitations and abilities.

In addition to all these reasons to procrastinate, there is one major contributor to procrastinators: the Internet. An infinite entertainment industry that takes you anywhere in just one click. During the workday, for example, it is almost impossible not to escape to take a look at social networks, chat programs, blogs or anything else that makes you disconnect, for minutes or even hours, from your commitments.

But, like everything in life, there are two sides to it.… Today's generation wants everything for yesterday, nobody tolerates delays. And if we think about it coldly, procrastination can become something paranoid, if we start from the point that taking five minutes to respond to an email or a WhatsApp message is unacceptable.  

Text written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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