Lamp with aluminum can

    You know that can of tomato that gets lost around the house? Or, chocolatey? What if I told you that this disposable material can become a beautiful lamp?

    So pay close attention, you will need:

    • An aluminum can (or more if you want)
    • Colored paint or spray
    • A drill (or you can improvise using a screwdriver)
    • flasher light

    For starters, clean your can well. Then drill the holes. It doesn't need to be many, but a considerable amount, for the light of the lamps to appear. Be very careful at this stage so as not to injure yourself!

    Now it's time to paint! Choose your favorite color and get to work!

    Ready! Wait for it to dry before putting your lights inside the can and you will have a beautiful lamp to bring more light to your home environments.

    Check out the step by step with images:

    Lamp with aluminum can

    Written by Gabrielle Career of Team Me Without Borders

    Image source: Craft by Photo 

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