Lagom, no less, no more, but enough!

    Lagom, no less, no more, but enough!

    When less is not more, but enough!

    The philosophy, the way of life, better said, the concept “Lagom”, practiced in the Scandinavian countries and having been first thought of in Sweden, teaches us that neither less nor more, but enough, just, in the right measure. Total balance!

    This idea is interesting and if we apply it to our lives, possibly we will have good results. Lagom, in the correct sense of the word, is translated as "fair", "sufficient".

    You have everything? But have you ever thought about having just enough?

    The Lagom idea proposes mental exercises such as:

    • Are two coats really necessary?
    • Is another piece of furniture in the living room necessary or is it just a decorative wish?
    • What would this new item do in my home?
    • Have my black shoes already fulfilled the function of putting me on or do I want another pair of the same color just to satisfy my vanity?

    If we understand it from this point of view, it's amazing how we have so many items in our homes that we really, really, really (!) don't need and yet they take up space. We spend money on them and, many times, they are there, without any use, you know?

    Everything is so well thought out within this philosophy of life that many brands in Sweden have the mission of offering customers, in the case of clothes and accessories, pieces that can be easily combined and long-lasting, because the idea here is that you wear them until you run out and , thus fulfilling its purpose.

    But Lagom's big “balcony” is to think beyond decoration, clothes and money. We can apply it in our daily routine, with our feelings, impressions and worries, often unnecessary and harmful. Want to see only?

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    Shall we take a look at Lagom's ideas in different categories?

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