Know the meaning of tattoos about spirituality

Tattooing is among the oldest art forms among civilizations. Many cultures around the world used to paint the body with permanent dyes, with the intention of mystical defense, symbology, rites of passage or even to adorn the skin.

Very anciently, around 3000 BC, to get a tattoo, it was necessary to cut the skin, rubbing ash into the wound so that the ink penetrated. A kind of stick with a sharp point was one of the instruments used to apply a tattoo.

James Cook, British captain, on one of his expeditions in the mid-18th century through the South Pacific, described in his logbook about the tattooing procedures, relating the practice as a painting that men and women did on the body, called “ tattoo”, in which “a layer of black color is placed under the skin in such a way as to be indelible (…) as it is a painful operation, especially when tattooing the buttocks (…)”.

The fact is that, at the end of this expedition, many of his men, including his science and botanical officer, the aristocrat Sir. Joseph Banks, returned to England tattooed, popularizing the tattoo among sailors.

However, when they arrived in the West, tattoos became less popular. In some religious contexts, a tattoo would be staining the sacred body. Another issue is that the fact that it became a fever among some groups excluded from society at the time, especially among low-ranking sailors and prostitutes, having a tattoo became something very stereotyped. Those who had any design on their bodies belonged to a restricted group that was frowned upon by the rest of society. Yes, that time existed!

Of course, times have changed (how good!), and nowadays tattooing is something totally common, regardless of age, profession or social class. Methods for tattooing have also evolved, machines are becoming more and more modern and we can easily find a professional tattoo artist. Surely you know someone tattooed or even you have a design on some part of the body.

Tattoo reveals a lot about our personality

Tattooing is a way of communicating and can offer a lot of information about you, reveal likes, struggles, fears, victories, and so on.

From a psychological point of view, the tattoo can indicate several other things, such as vanity, feeling attractive, rebelliousness and, believe me, some people like to feel the pain that is caused by getting a tattoo, as a form of victory over other people. pains of life itself.

Know the meaning of tattoos about spirituality
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Drawings on the body also help to hide scars and raise the self-esteem of those who have an unwanted mark. Some people like to have a “differential”, something unique, and a tattoo has that power too. A figure stamped on the skin can give the feeling of having “something more”, a highlight.

Tattoos can reveal a lot about our personality, after all, it is through the designs marked on the body that we often express more about our soul.

What is the meaning of the tattoo in the spiritual world?

We know that whenever we “turn on” something in the physical world, it is also connected to the spirit world. Everything in the Universe is energy and everything we come into contact with also affects our energy, and this also goes for the tattoo, after all it is a mark on your body, something that will be in direct contact with you, and this “symbol” will be , theoretically, forever interacting in your energy field.

Getting a tattoo should be a well thought out act, we should reflect on what we are “inserting” into our body. Our body is composed of chakras, energy fields that establish a relationship with the organs and with our spirit, so we must analyze what interference that a certain figure inserted in a certain part of the body can cause us: we can receive a good interference or a bad one. Therefore, the need to know your energy fields well and the meaning of what will be tattooed.

Know the meaning of tattoos about spirituality
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Many people have the desire to get a tattoo, but they wonder what tattoos can represent in the spiritual world.

Tribals, skulls, militancy symbols, dolphins, butterflies…. There are many designs chosen to mark the body with a tattoo. The sky is the limit when it comes to tattoo creativity. But what are the main designs and symbols and what is their meaning? Check out some tattoos that are related to spirituality:

What is the meaning of butterfly tattoos?

One of the favorites, especially by women, a butterfly tattoo can have many representations, depending on the country or culture. In Greece, for example, it is believed that a new human soul is born each time a butterfly leaves its cocoon. In some eastern cultures, the butterfly is a symbol of joy and happiness.

In general, the butterfly tattoo represents a free spirit, serving as a portal to release and attract the energies of life, the essences of the human soul and also symbolize transformation in some aspect, because of the metamorphosis of butterflies. Some people tattoo butterflies to symbolize someone who has died. There is a belief that the soul prevails in white butterflies. The butterfly transmits this lightness and grace through its flights through the fields.

Know the meaning of tattoos about spirituality
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witch tattoo

Tattooing a witch or something related to pagan religion does not mean that you will be carrying “evil forces”. We know that witchcraft was once a highly disliked cult because of the associations that many have made (and still make) to demonic pacts. However, the "witch" is highly linked to female wisdom, and can represent exactly that, in addition to the mystery and magic that every woman carries.

heart tattoo

The heart tattoo is related to love, inexpressible feelings and obviously matters of the heart. And this representation can come in other ways, such as: the drawing of a broken heart, which can represent the loss of a loved one, the heart with a dagger, which can represent bravery or betrayal, or even overlapping hearts, which can represent unforgettable and/or sad memories of love.

lotus flower tattoo

The lotus flower is a plant that grows in murky waters and, even in the midst of all the mud, becomes a beautiful flower. Having this type of tattoo can demonstrate that even from not so beautiful places or bad events we can get good things. Hope and rebirth. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the lotus flower symbolizes the sacred and enlightenment.

Know the meaning of tattoos about spirituality
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cross tattoo

Made mostly by Christians, the cross expresses faith in Jesus Christ and his death for the remission of sins and salvation in Protestant and Catholic belief. The cross also refers to physical and spiritual protection. There are several types of cross, the most common are the Latin cross, the crucifix, the Gothic cross and the Celtic cross.

Yin Yang tattoo

A very popular symbol, Yin Yang can bring many meanings to those who choose it as a tattoo. In short, Yin Yang refers to balance, which can be between the sexes, between good and evil, light and darkness, among others. Couples adopt this tattoo as a symbol of dependence, of not living without each other or even of a “Unity”.

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If you like tattoos or want to get one, the important thing is that you choose a design that suits your personality. Be careful when choosing the figure you will wear on the skin.

Always research before the meaning that the symbol is representing and how this tattoo can influence your energy. Regardless of the choice, the important thing is that it is something that makes you feel comfortable so that you don't have future regrets.

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