Kindness DOESN'T ALWAYS beget kindness

You are aware of all the benefits of kindness, of how much it makes us evolve as a human being, not only psychologically. But we can also say that kindness is an essential factor for the evolution of the soul.

Kindness should be a habit common to our nature, but with an increasingly hectic routine, it ends up giving way to haste and selfishness. So kindness has become a virtue that has to do with local customs, an obligation within a certain education, something installed in our daily life, becoming unconscious.

Being kind, feeling good and, above all, being good, but it is not necessarily a factor that changes the true feeling of those who receive it and those who practice it.

The human being carries a range of defects and qualities and being kind is something that is not human, but a great achievement where being sociable is a learning that aims at coexistence, at life in society.

There are several types of kindness practiced by different types of people. But what we have seen are people who practice kindness for fad or for their conscience to be at ease regarding such a fact, or to fit the standards of faith that we practice; kindness is something much more complex than that, because when it's true, it involves interpersonal change and a true desire to be a better person.

Kindness DOESN'T ALWAYS beget kindness
pexels/ pixabay

Kindness is not, for example, just speaking the truth, but knowing how to speak the truth. It is an awakening of consciousness and the achievement of knowledge that elevates our understanding of our role here on Earth.

In short, being kind is treating others as you would like to be treated. If you don't feel the need to treat other people well, you are penalizing yourself for not accepting yourself.

When we awaken a true conscience about what it is to be kind, having security of yourself and your values, we are able to be kind and exercise kindness regardless of the return it will generate. We must make kindness natural and constant without choosing people, groups or certain places.

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Even if our acts have no return and are even received with hostility, we must maintain our acts of kindness, as they are a constant for the evolution of our being.

Everything evolves, but each one has its time and way of evolving; being kind and not expecting a return of kindness is the very essence of the act. Aware, however, that not needing affliction or sadness for the same is the awakening of the awareness that one day evolution and kindness will come to everyone.

May we always be kind.

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