Kabbalah Study: Gateway to the Higher Worlds


    This Monday, November 27th, we are in Sagittarius 9, month of miracles and blessings.

    At 15:11 pm, SΓ£o Paulo time, the portal of the Sephirah of Yesod opens, the ninth sephirah of the Tree of Life, which gives access to the superior worlds. Unique opportunity to access unlimited blessings.

    Kabbalah Study: Gateway to the Higher Worlds

    To enhance the connection with the available energy, stop for a moment to meditate, study the holy scriptures and the Zohar.

    Write on paper your goals and plans, your needs and thoughts, open your heart. Connect with your inner self and reflect on your spiritual and even material priorities. The universe is ready to serve you.

    This is the portal of the ninth hour of the ninth month of the ninth sephirah, yessod, which relates to yosef and all material blessings and spiritual riches, uniting the physical world with the higher worlds. 9/9/9 Yesod of Yesod.

    Stay tuned and seize the opportunity, in a pure and direct way. Meditate, pray, make a generous donation, practice tzedakah. This is a secret revealed by Rabbi Avraham Marimon HaSfaradi (Brit Menucha).

    The energy remains available until the full moon on December 3rd.

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