Kabbalah Studies – What is Kabbalah?

    Kabbalah (or Kabbalah) is a universal wisdom and means “to receive” in Hebrew. The ancient disciples “received” this wisdom from their masters, which was passed on from generation to generation in their study circles.

    Kabbalah, the basis of religions, has been present since the creation of man, which originated with Adam. Abraham, the patriarch of monotheistic religions, can be considered the first known Kabbalist, having left us his knowledge about the creation of the universe and the influence of the stars in this physical world, with the so-called book "Sefer Yetzirah" or the "Book of Creation". After him came other great teachers, such as Moses, David and Jesus.

    We can say that Kabbalah is the revelation of the hidden levels of the writings of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. The Torah, read in its literal sense, often has no coherent and intelligible meaning. The great sages have revealed to us the hidden light of these sacred texts, bringing them to a level that can be understood by all.

    Kabbalah is often confused with Judaism, as it is intrinsically linked to the books and knowledge kept by the Jewish people. However, Judaism can be considered the religion of this people, the Kabbalah being the most profound revelation of their writings.

    Kabbalah Studies – What is Kabbalah?
    Peter Hermes Furian / 123rf

    Anyone who wants to go deeper into the knowledge of spiritual laws can study Kabbalah. If in ancient and until very recent times this was a study intended for a few people accepted by their peers, such as men, above a certain age and of unblemished conduct, today it is being disseminated to all interested parties, in a more open way.

    People are looking more than ever for the answers to their deepest, inner questions, to give their lives meaning. Most of them have already unequivocally realized that we need more than just work and leisure, money and power.

    We are all in search of knowing why we are here on this planet, coexisting with other human beings and living beings, what is the meaning of our journey, what is our personal and universal destiny.

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    Anyone who wants to go deeper into the knowledge of spiritual laws can study Kabbalah.

    The Cabal has the answers to all these questions and more. It not only allows us to have a better understanding of our existence, but also helps us in our personal transformation, through the various tools available.

    Kabbalah is, finally, the source of cosmic and universal wisdom, which allows us to experience a full and unrestricted existence, to reveal our full potential in favor of all.

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