Kabbalah Studies – Week 8 – Vayishlach

    Kabbalah Studies – Week 8 – Vayishlach

    Genesis 32:4-36:43
    154 verses

    Jacob sends messengers ahead of him on his return to his homeland to find Esau. Jacob is afraid, as he did not know his brother's reaction to the episode of the sale of the birthright years ago. Jacob, on his return, fights the angel of God and wins, thus changing his name to Israel. Esau and Jacob meet and make peace.

    β€œAnd Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother, to the land of Seir, to the field of Edom.” (Genesis 32:4)

    This is the story of our confrontation between good and evil, of our internal struggle, between receiving only for oneself and receiving to share. Our struggles, our victories, are the result of our battles in the spiritual dimension, in favor of peace and receiving to share.

    Jacob sends messengers, who are angels, to meet Esau. So, as we prepare for our daily battles, both in the physical and in the spiritual world, we must meditate and pray, so that our good intentions will succeed.

    The negative side cannot overcome the spiritual shield of people connected to the higher worlds. Even so, as we live in the physical world, we must act, for action moves the higher worlds.

    Conquer your negative side. Meditate, pray. Do your part by taking action.

    A great week everyone!
    Shavua Tov!

    You may also like another article by this author. Access: Kabbalah Studies – Week 7 – VaietΓͺ

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